Tuesday 24 February 2009





Prime Minister Gordon Brown:

As a government, you are spending millions of Pounds Sterling to counter terrorism. However, it is only a matter of time before Islam will take over and rule because that is her vision, her mission, her focus and her determination. Therefore, in due course she will succeed and she is on course to do because the time is ripe to do so. Islam will take over this land which will then become holy to them because:

  • Whereas the majority of people in the United Kingdom have abandoned Us, Elohim Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh; the Islamic people give total allegiance to their God and pay him great homage as they diligently worship him and obey his dictates with unquestionable obedience, loyalty and devotion.

  • Whereas the majority of people in Britain have cast Us, their Elohim, aside and religion a taboo subject; the god of Islam is highly revered and Islam is first and foremost in their lives. Islam is their way of life and all things are ordered around their religion.

  • Whereas the majority of people in this land do not pray to Us, the Creator of Heaven and earth and their Creator, nor seek Our guidance or help; the Moslems pray five times each day and invoke their god. If the need arises to pray more often, they gladly do so.

  • Whereas here in the United Kingdom the majority of the people have abandoned My Holy Word, the Scriptures, and whereas it is only in a small percentage of homes, the Koran is in the homes of all practising Moslems.

  • Whereas in this secular nation the generations have been brought up and are being brought up without any knowledge of Us: Elohim Yahweh, Elohim Yahushua and Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, Moslem children are taught from an early age about their god and their prophet. They are taught about their religion by which their lives are ordered and the importance of worshipping their god and submitting themselves to him with unquestionable obedience.

  • Whereas many in the society have been brought up and are being brought up without discipline and without respect or moral values, the majority of Islamic children are trained and disciplined and taught moral values.

  • Whereas the majority of people in the United Kingdom have no knowledge about what is written in My Holy Word, and have no reverence, respect or regard for it; the situation is totally different with Islam. The Koran is holy to every Moslem and is their most sacred book which is highly esteemed and kept in a place of honour. It is revered, respected and from an early age the children are taught about its sacredness and importance. They are taught and trained from the Koran and from an early age they begin to memorise portions of it. Thus they grow up with great loyalty, reverence and respect for their god, their prophet, their religion and their holy book, for which they are willing to give their lives should the need arise to do so.

  • Whereas the churches and places of worship which were once dedicated for Our worship have been demolished, sold off to be used for various purposes, closed down or are poorly attended, for those which are in use, the situation is different for the Moslems. They are raising up more and more mosques around the country which are well attended. They are also raising up their own schools to ensure that their children receive an Islamic education.

  • Whereas the majority of people in the United Kingdom have no spiritual vision, the Moslems have their vision upon which they are fully focussed and are working diligently to make it a reality. That vision is to spread Islam throughout the world and to take over the entire world, including the United Kingdom. The Moslems will succeed because while the secular world has been asleep, they have has been working diligently and untiringly to accomplish their goal. The secular world is now waking up but they are doing so too late!!

Many people in the United Kingdom are now asking the Question:

“Why do the Moslems hate us?”

The answer is: The Moslems hate western ideology which is in conflict with their Islamic ideology. Among the reasons for their hatred are: the lack of godliness in the land and the lewdness and immorality, the corrupt practices, the number of children born out of wedlock, the delinquencies, the high crime rate, The lack of parental control in a large number of cases, the lawlessness, the anarchy, the sodomy and lesbianism and the many other ills which are rampant in the land. These continually vex their spirits. Thus they are working to take over this land, implement Sharia Law and bring an end to all such ungodly practices. When they take over the United Kingdom, everyone will be brought in line with Sharia Law or face the consequences.

The downfall of the United Kingdom began from the time she embraced secularism, atheism and paganism and cast Us, her Elohim, out of society and out of the institutions of learning and began to eradicate Our Names and anything to do with Us out of the land. To fill the great void she has created, she has brought in the philosophies of men as well as her own and made them to be the norm. This has been worsened as she has imbibed the beliefs and teachings of men, as well as their ungodly practices and behaviour.

Over the Decades she has removed all the safeguards which I, Yahweh, had in place for her good and prosperity. Thus I have watched her decline as she has relied on her prosperity and worldly possessions in which she placed her trust. Her economy which was one of the strongest, is now in ruin. This has come about because of her greed, avarice, mismanagement and corrupt practices. These corrupt practices have brought this once great and prosperous nation to financial ruin so that she is now flat on her face. In addition, she is fighting two wars which are draining her economy. It is in such a climate that she has had to go to the Moslem world to seek financial help. However, any help that the Moslems may give to her will be given under their terms and conditions.

Many in the Moslem world are now rejoicing at the great credit crunch and great recession which have weakened the western countries, including the United kingdom, because Islam is in a better position to dictate her terms and conditions and to impose her religion and Sharia Law.

I, Yahweh, will use Islam as My servant to chastise the peoples of this secular and pagan land!! Only then will the majority of the people in the United Kingdom realise their folly and come to their senses. They will then cry to Me, Yahweh, for deliverance but I will hold them in derision and laugh at them when their troubles come upon them!!

The sins and iniquities of the United Kingdom are ever before Me, Elohim Yahweh, and they have now come up to Heaven, My dwelling place. The cup of iniquity of the United Kingdom is full and running over!! This has come about because she has rejected Us, her Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Instead, she has become a secular nation and embraced paganism, witchcrafts and other abominable practices. Hence her pride and arrogance, her love of pleasure, and corrupt and evil practices; some of which have contributed to the shedding of blood in the land.

I, Elohim Yahweh, am about to act as I acted when the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah came up to Heaven 4000 years ago. At that time I came down and destroyed those cities with fire and brimstone. Thus I am now ready to bring terrible judgments upon the United Kingdom. This I will do in far greater measure than the country has experienced in the Past or is now experiencing with her severe financial crisis and also the extreme and severe weather conditions brought about by the heavy snow and icy conditions, floods and storms. The recent heavy snow which brought chaos around the country has been part of My judgments upon the land, as I have declared in Job 38: 22,23:

22 “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, 23 Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war”.

Likewise, the credit crunch and recession are also My servants against her, because she has made money, affluence and possessions her god and to these she has given her allegiance!! I, Yahweh, have chosen to use the credit crunch and recession to wake the United Kingdom and to show to her that there is no safety or security in material possessions. Likewise, they are to prove to her that she is not her own Maker, Provider and Sustainer!!

The judgments which I will bring upon this land will bring her people to their knees!! This will include worsening of her financial crises with its dire consequences. Included also will be severe disasters, pestilences and diseases. These diseases will puzzle medical science. There will be no let up with the pestilences and no cure for the diseases! I will also bring upon this land a severe famine for the murders which are done in the land and for blood of the victims which continually cries to Me, Yahweh, from the ground. This is because the land is greatly polluted with blood and I must avenge the blood of the victims because of the evils and iniquities which are plaguing the land.

The United Kingdom will pay a very high price for her rejection of Us, her Elohim: Yahweh (God the Father), Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), Who blessed and prospered her. Blessings which she has taken the credit for and refused to acknowledge and give Us the thanks and the credit which are due to Us. My judgments will also fall upon her for her paganism, idolatry and witchcraft, as well as her great love of pleasure, her arrogance and pride. I will bring judgments upon her for I, Yahweh, have declared that righteousness exalts the nations but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14: 34). Therefore, she will pay for her unrighteousness until she knows that the Most High Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, rule in the kingdoms of men!