Tuesday, 24 February 2009





Prime Minister, Gordon Brown:

Over the past 18 years Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), Whom I sent to this world, as My Son, to die on behalf of the peoples all nations, have sent messages to the leaders of this world, including religious leaders, to draw their attention to the serious times the world is going through and to warn them of the importance of being ready to meet Him. The Messages have been sent because King Yahushua, is ready to return for His children and to bring this present world to an end. The last Message was sent out in 2006 and was entitled:

“Prophecies!! Armageddon!! And A look Into the Future of Man!!”

In 2007, I, Yahweh, sent a Message to the main Religious Leaders in the United Kingdom. It was entitled:

“A Call For the Restoration of Righteousness Through Repentance, Fasting and Prayer.”

All these Messages over the past 18 years which were sent to both religious and political leaders for those who are under their leadership or rulership, have BEEN DELIBERATELY IGNORED AND REJECTED!! This is because they do not believe that We, the Elohim and Creator: Yahweh (God the Father), Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) exist. Neither do they believe that We are in this world and that We see and know all that are happening in this world. Likewise, those who do believe that We do exist, do not believe that We still communicate through Our designated servants and send messages to the people as We did in Old Testament times when We sent messages through the prophets including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

I, Yahweh, am the same Elohim Who sent My messages in days of old, messages of hope and encouragement and messages of doom and destruction. However, before I do anything major n this world I always give warnings as I have declared in Amos 3: 7:

Surely [Adonai, YAHWEH] the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets”.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown:

It is for this the reason why I have specifically chosen to send you this Message for the peoples of the United Kingdom at this time. Although the serious things which are happening are not unique to the United Kingdom, I have singled her out because she was once a nation which honoured, feared and worshipped Us: Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, her Elohim. However, she has now become a very secular and pagan nation. Thus she has rejected and cast Us, her Elohim, aside while she has embraced the gods of this world and every unclean, foul and abominable practice, including idolatry, paganism, witchcraft and sodomy. To these she has given great prominence.

I, Yahweh, the Creator of this world and the Elohim Who blessed and prospered the peoples of the United Kingdom and made their country one of the greatest nations in the world and envy of many nations because they acknowledged, reverenced and worshipped Us, their Elohim, am sending you this Message, Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

I have chosen to send it to you because the religious leaders have ignored the Message I sent to them in 2007, entitled:

“A Call For the Restoration of Righteousness Through Repentance, Fasting and Prayer.”

Sadly, the religious leaders who profess to worship and serve Us, Elohim Yahweh, Elohim Yahushua and Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, have remained silent in spite of the evils and iniquities which are done in the land. Some of them have given credence and embraced the abominable practices which are being done. There is nothing heard from them when serious calamities are upon the land, no spiritual leadership is given to the people or calls for prayer for Our divine intervention. Thus like the people, so are the spiritual leaders of the land!! For their negligence and lack of spirituality, I, Yahweh, will punish these leaders who profess to work in My vineyard!!

You, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, are over the peoples of England, and you have great influence in other parts of the United Kingdom. Therefore, I, Elohim Yahweh, am sending you this message because I am about to bring great and terrible judgments upon the United Kingdom.

These judgments will include:

  • Greater financial troubles for this country from which the nation will find it extremely difficult to recover.

  • The recession and credit crunch will get far worse and will bring dire consequences as more and more firms close down and more people lose their jobs and homes, causing great hardships for the peoples of these lands.

  • More extreme and severe weather conditions and disasters than the disasters of the past, and the present snow and ice which have caused great havoc in the country.

  • Severe famine for the blood of the murdered victims which cries to Me, Yahweh, from the ground.

  • Terrible pestilences and also diseases which will puzzle medical science. There will be no cure for these diseases.

These are but few of the judgments which I, Elohim Yahweh, have laid up to bring upon the nations of the United Kingdom for rejecting Us, her Creator and Provider, Who made her great when she worshipped and served Us. My judgments will also fall upon her for casting Us, Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, aside and trampling Our holy Name in the dirt. I will punish her for her sins and for her pride and arrogance and for making money her god!! Likewise, I will punish her for bringing into this land, from where My Name and Word went to the rest of the world, paganism, witchcrafts, abominations and abominable practices, as well as the abortions which are performed and the inhumane activities which are done in the land.

The United Kingdom’s cup of iniquity is now full and I, Elohim Yahweh, have come down to Planet Earth because the evils and iniquities in the land have come up to Heaven My throne and dwelling place!! The iniquities in the land are so great, it is like the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah which caused Me to come from Heaven 4000 years ago and rain fire and brimstone upon them and destroyed those evil people.

I, Yahweh, destroyed the peoples of Sodom and Gomorrah with molten fire because of the their abominable practice of Sodomy. The sins of the United Kingdom far outweigh the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, therefore she will not escape My fierce wrath!!

I, Elohim Yahweh, have been very patient with the peoples of the United Kingdom because of My faithful children among them who continually pray to Me to forgive the sins of the people and have to mercy upon them. The time has come, however, that I will judge this nation!!

During the time of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, when he took credit for building great Babylon, I sent immediate judgment upon him and drove him into the pasture to live like a beast for seven years until he acknowledged that he was but a man and that I, Yahweh, the Most High Elohim, reign in the kingdoms of men and give it to whomsoever I will. When he was humbled and returned to his senses and acknowledged that I am the Elohim of Heaven, I restored King Nebuchadnezzar to his former position as king of Babylon. This story of King Nebuchadnezzar, can be found in the fourth Chapter of the Book of Daniel.

The iniquity of the peoples of Nineveh was also great before Me, Yahweh. Before I destroyed them, I sent them a message through Jonah, the reluctant prophet. In that message I told them that I was going to destroy their city. The people of Nineveh heeded the warning and went in to mourning and into fasting and prayer and repented. They besought Me, Yahweh, to have mercy upon them and to forgive their sins and iniquity. I saw their contrite hearts and heard their prayer and relented from the destruction which I was about to bring upon them. The people of Nineveh repented and began to worship Us, their Elohim. They continued to do so to this day in Mosul in Iraq, where because of the War by the USA and the United Kingdom, most of My followers have been persecuted and driven out by some of the Islamists in Iraq.

I, Elohim Yahweh, am about to bring more severe judgments upon the United Kingdom and show to her that it is I, Yahweh, Who created this world and her inhabitants and will overturn it when I see it is necessary to do so, for I have declared in Deuteronomy 32: 39, 40:

39 “See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. 40 For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever”.


In addition to these judgments, it must be known that this present world is at an end! All the signs which Elohim Yahushua said would show that His return to this world is at hand, have been fulfilled. He has given My servant, Benita, several Messages for the peoples of the world, including the peoples of the United Kingdom to tell them of His soon return. However all the Messages have been rejected.

Soon Elohim Yahushua will return to this world for His children who have accepted Him as their Saviour and Adonai (Lord). Those who have rejected His love, grace and sacrifice will be devoured by the fires which will go before Him at His return (Psalm 50:3). Only their bodies, however, will die but their spirits (spirits and souls) will go to Hell and torment (Luke 16: 19-31). That will not be their end because 1000 years later will be the great and final Judgment.

At the end of the 1000 years they will be resurrected from the dead and will be around the great white throne in the great Judgment. Those who are in that Judgment will have to give an account to King Yahushua of their time here upon earth. They will also have to give to Him, their awful Judge, the reason why they rejected Him. In that Judgment each one will receive their final reward. This reward will be the Lake of fire and brimstone which they will share with Satan and his host. There with him, whom they gave their allegiance, they will be tormented throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity because the spirit does not die (Revelation 20).

It must also be understood that human beings are more than just bodies!! Their true selves, the spirit and the soul, which inhabit the body during the life time never die. Therefore they must realise that they could leave this world at anytime. However, the question is: WHERE DO THEY GO WHEN THE DIE?? This is the question which each person should ask themselves and which should be of great importance to them because DEATH IS NOT THE END OF THEIR LIVES!! This is because it is only the body which dies, while the spirit, the true person, lives on. However, without a body it has no legal right in this world and must leave.

Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach has clearly stated in Luke 16: 19-31, what becomes of those who accept Him as their Saviour and also what becomes of those who reject Him. For those who have accepted Him as their Saviour and Adonai, they will come to Heaven and paradise where I, Yahweh, dwell. However, for those who have rejected His love and grace, they will go to Hell and torment where they will await the final Judgment around the great white throne, where they, too, will receive their reward in the Lake of fire and brimstone, along with Satan and his angels (Revelation 20).

It means therefore, that the people should realise that at any moment they could leave this world as was evident this very week (as the message is being given) with the deadly fires in Melbourne, Australia. Therefore, it is imperative that the people know and understand that this world is not all there is. They should also know that death the end of life!! They MUST UNDERSTAND THAT THEY WILL EVENTUALLY HAVE TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT TO US, THEIR ELOHIM, WHO GAVE THEM LIFE!!

Prime Minister Gordon Brown:

The times are serious and so is the spiritual condition of the people of this land!! Therefore, I, Elohim Yahweh, through Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Elohim here in this world, have sent you this Message so that you can take action to call the nation to fast and pray, for I have declared:

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 (KJV)

Therefore, the time has come for people of the United Kingdom to repent from sinful ways and to return to Us their Elohim: Yahweh (God the Father), Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit); Who blessed and prospered and made them a great nation! Therefore, the time has come to call a fast throughout the United Kingdom for the people to fast and pray and ask forgiveness for their sins, and for the sins and iniquities committed in this land.

During the fast, they should also pray for forgiveness and for the cleansing of the land because of the shedding of blood from the murders which are constantly committed in the land and which is continually crying from the earth to Me, Elohim Yahweh!!

They also need to pray and ask for forgiveness for rejecting Us, their Creator and Elohim, and for turning to the gods of this world; none of which can help them and which I, Yahweh, do no know. It may be that as they pray, I will hear their prayers and will relent as I did for the people of Nineveh. However, if this Message is ignored as others in the past have been, I shall send my fierce judgments upon the land, and especially upon her failing economy. This will get her attention even more than it is in her present financial crisis.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown:

This is My Message to you for the peoples of the United Kingdom. You may choose to heed the Message, or reject or you may choose to ignore it. If you reject it as others have done in the past; and if you fail to call the people to fasting and prayer so that they will see their need to repent and ask forgiveness for their sins and turn from their wayward ways; My fierce judgments will continue to fall upon the United Kingdom until her people acknowledge that I, Elohim Yahweh, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach, Who died for them, and Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, their Elohim here upon Earth, rule in the Kingdoms of men, including the lands of the United Kingdom. Then they will know that the gods whom they worship are helpless and useless, none of which will help or deliver them from My fierce wrath.

I am Yahweh, the Most High Elohim, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and all planets, the Giver and Sustainer of life, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel.





Prime Minister Gordon Brown:

As a government, you are spending millions of Pounds Sterling to counter terrorism. However, it is only a matter of time before Islam will take over and rule because that is her vision, her mission, her focus and her determination. Therefore, in due course she will succeed and she is on course to do because the time is ripe to do so. Islam will take over this land which will then become holy to them because:

  • Whereas the majority of people in the United Kingdom have abandoned Us, Elohim Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh; the Islamic people give total allegiance to their God and pay him great homage as they diligently worship him and obey his dictates with unquestionable obedience, loyalty and devotion.

  • Whereas the majority of people in Britain have cast Us, their Elohim, aside and religion a taboo subject; the god of Islam is highly revered and Islam is first and foremost in their lives. Islam is their way of life and all things are ordered around their religion.

  • Whereas the majority of people in this land do not pray to Us, the Creator of Heaven and earth and their Creator, nor seek Our guidance or help; the Moslems pray five times each day and invoke their god. If the need arises to pray more often, they gladly do so.

  • Whereas here in the United Kingdom the majority of the people have abandoned My Holy Word, the Scriptures, and whereas it is only in a small percentage of homes, the Koran is in the homes of all practising Moslems.

  • Whereas in this secular nation the generations have been brought up and are being brought up without any knowledge of Us: Elohim Yahweh, Elohim Yahushua and Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, Moslem children are taught from an early age about their god and their prophet. They are taught about their religion by which their lives are ordered and the importance of worshipping their god and submitting themselves to him with unquestionable obedience.

  • Whereas many in the society have been brought up and are being brought up without discipline and without respect or moral values, the majority of Islamic children are trained and disciplined and taught moral values.

  • Whereas the majority of people in the United Kingdom have no knowledge about what is written in My Holy Word, and have no reverence, respect or regard for it; the situation is totally different with Islam. The Koran is holy to every Moslem and is their most sacred book which is highly esteemed and kept in a place of honour. It is revered, respected and from an early age the children are taught about its sacredness and importance. They are taught and trained from the Koran and from an early age they begin to memorise portions of it. Thus they grow up with great loyalty, reverence and respect for their god, their prophet, their religion and their holy book, for which they are willing to give their lives should the need arise to do so.

  • Whereas the churches and places of worship which were once dedicated for Our worship have been demolished, sold off to be used for various purposes, closed down or are poorly attended, for those which are in use, the situation is different for the Moslems. They are raising up more and more mosques around the country which are well attended. They are also raising up their own schools to ensure that their children receive an Islamic education.

  • Whereas the majority of people in the United Kingdom have no spiritual vision, the Moslems have their vision upon which they are fully focussed and are working diligently to make it a reality. That vision is to spread Islam throughout the world and to take over the entire world, including the United Kingdom. The Moslems will succeed because while the secular world has been asleep, they have has been working diligently and untiringly to accomplish their goal. The secular world is now waking up but they are doing so too late!!

Many people in the United Kingdom are now asking the Question:

“Why do the Moslems hate us?”

The answer is: The Moslems hate western ideology which is in conflict with their Islamic ideology. Among the reasons for their hatred are: the lack of godliness in the land and the lewdness and immorality, the corrupt practices, the number of children born out of wedlock, the delinquencies, the high crime rate, The lack of parental control in a large number of cases, the lawlessness, the anarchy, the sodomy and lesbianism and the many other ills which are rampant in the land. These continually vex their spirits. Thus they are working to take over this land, implement Sharia Law and bring an end to all such ungodly practices. When they take over the United Kingdom, everyone will be brought in line with Sharia Law or face the consequences.

The downfall of the United Kingdom began from the time she embraced secularism, atheism and paganism and cast Us, her Elohim, out of society and out of the institutions of learning and began to eradicate Our Names and anything to do with Us out of the land. To fill the great void she has created, she has brought in the philosophies of men as well as her own and made them to be the norm. This has been worsened as she has imbibed the beliefs and teachings of men, as well as their ungodly practices and behaviour.

Over the Decades she has removed all the safeguards which I, Yahweh, had in place for her good and prosperity. Thus I have watched her decline as she has relied on her prosperity and worldly possessions in which she placed her trust. Her economy which was one of the strongest, is now in ruin. This has come about because of her greed, avarice, mismanagement and corrupt practices. These corrupt practices have brought this once great and prosperous nation to financial ruin so that she is now flat on her face. In addition, she is fighting two wars which are draining her economy. It is in such a climate that she has had to go to the Moslem world to seek financial help. However, any help that the Moslems may give to her will be given under their terms and conditions.

Many in the Moslem world are now rejoicing at the great credit crunch and great recession which have weakened the western countries, including the United kingdom, because Islam is in a better position to dictate her terms and conditions and to impose her religion and Sharia Law.

I, Yahweh, will use Islam as My servant to chastise the peoples of this secular and pagan land!! Only then will the majority of the people in the United Kingdom realise their folly and come to their senses. They will then cry to Me, Yahweh, for deliverance but I will hold them in derision and laugh at them when their troubles come upon them!!

The sins and iniquities of the United Kingdom are ever before Me, Elohim Yahweh, and they have now come up to Heaven, My dwelling place. The cup of iniquity of the United Kingdom is full and running over!! This has come about because she has rejected Us, her Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Instead, she has become a secular nation and embraced paganism, witchcrafts and other abominable practices. Hence her pride and arrogance, her love of pleasure, and corrupt and evil practices; some of which have contributed to the shedding of blood in the land.

I, Elohim Yahweh, am about to act as I acted when the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah came up to Heaven 4000 years ago. At that time I came down and destroyed those cities with fire and brimstone. Thus I am now ready to bring terrible judgments upon the United Kingdom. This I will do in far greater measure than the country has experienced in the Past or is now experiencing with her severe financial crisis and also the extreme and severe weather conditions brought about by the heavy snow and icy conditions, floods and storms. The recent heavy snow which brought chaos around the country has been part of My judgments upon the land, as I have declared in Job 38: 22,23:

22 “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, 23 Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war”.

Likewise, the credit crunch and recession are also My servants against her, because she has made money, affluence and possessions her god and to these she has given her allegiance!! I, Yahweh, have chosen to use the credit crunch and recession to wake the United Kingdom and to show to her that there is no safety or security in material possessions. Likewise, they are to prove to her that she is not her own Maker, Provider and Sustainer!!

The judgments which I will bring upon this land will bring her people to their knees!! This will include worsening of her financial crises with its dire consequences. Included also will be severe disasters, pestilences and diseases. These diseases will puzzle medical science. There will be no let up with the pestilences and no cure for the diseases! I will also bring upon this land a severe famine for the murders which are done in the land and for blood of the victims which continually cries to Me, Yahweh, from the ground. This is because the land is greatly polluted with blood and I must avenge the blood of the victims because of the evils and iniquities which are plaguing the land.

The United Kingdom will pay a very high price for her rejection of Us, her Elohim: Yahweh (God the Father), Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), Who blessed and prospered her. Blessings which she has taken the credit for and refused to acknowledge and give Us the thanks and the credit which are due to Us. My judgments will also fall upon her for her paganism, idolatry and witchcraft, as well as her great love of pleasure, her arrogance and pride. I will bring judgments upon her for I, Yahweh, have declared that righteousness exalts the nations but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14: 34). Therefore, she will pay for her unrighteousness until she knows that the Most High Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, rule in the kingdoms of men!



February 2009

Prime Minister Gordon Brown
10 Downing Street

Dear Prime Minister Gordon Brown:


Today, I, Elohim Yahweh (God the Father), Who is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, self-existent and immutable Elohim (God) and the Creator of this world and all worlds, Who blessed and prospered the peoples of the United Kingdom and made this country one of the greatest nations in the world and envy of many nations because her people once acknowledged, reverenced and worshipped Us, their Elohim: Yahweh, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit), the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel; have chosen to send you a Message through Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit and the Elohim in this world, Whom I sent to this world almost 2000 years ago. The Message is being brought to you through My chosen messenger, Benita Darrel.

From the outset, let Me, Elohim Yahweh, make it known to you, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, that this Message:


Prime Minister Gordon Brown:

I, Yahweh, have chosen to send this Message to you because of the following:

  • The United Kingdom which I, Elohim Yahweh, blessed and greatly prospered and from where My Word went to other lands and brought the Message of Salvation and thus blessed them and changed many lives for the better, has now forsaken and rejected Us, her Elohim.

  • The peoples of these lands have rejected, forsaken and trampled My Instructions and Laws which I, Elohim Yahweh, came down from Heaven 3000 years ago and gave for the good, prosperity and peace of the nations.

  • For the worship of mammon in which she placed her trust and confidence! Hence her pride and arrogance and the main reason why she has rejected and abandoned Us, the Elohim (God), Who created, loved, blessed, prospered and protected her.

  • For her blasphemy against Us, the only true Elohim, and for the disrespect and dishonour which are continually shown to Us, as well as using the Names and Titles by which We are called as swear words and the “butt” and joke of the conversations of many in her society.

  • For the hatred and rejection of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and for the great contempt shown toward anything that has to do with His holy Name.

  • For embracing atheism, paganism, idolatry and witchcraft and for promoting them and turning this land, where We, the Elohim of Heaven and Earth, were once reverenced and worshipped, into a secular and pagan land.
  • The removal of Our Names from public places and the institutions of learning, as well as the concerted effort to forbid the use of our Names, or any reference being made to Us, the true Elohim (God) including the displaying of any symbol which indicates that We are worshipped.

  • The rejection of Our Word, the Holy Scriptures.

  • For the immorality, vices, evils and iniquities and the abominable practices which are encouraged and done in the land and made the norm.

  • For man’s inhumanity to man and shedding of blood which have greatly polluted the land.

  • The persecution which is being waged against some of My children for many reasons, including offering to pray for others in the Name of Yahushua (Jesus) during the course of duty.

  • For the abortions which are carried out and for all the evil and corrupt practices which are done in the land.
  • For calling evil good and good evil and sanctioning evil doings, so that now there is no difference between that which is good and that which is evil.

  • For sewing seeds of unrighteousness from which she is reaping an abundant harvest of iniquities.

There is always a negative Press whenever it comes to Us: Elohim Yahweh, Elohim Yahushua Ha Mashiach and Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh. This negative attitude toward Us, the Elohim of all flesh, has come about mainly because of the popular Press, of which the British Broadcasting Corporation (“BBC”) is the chief perpetrator. They have the attention of the people through the programmes which are aired.

The prejudice exerted against Us, Elohim Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, when there are matters pertaining to Us, or We are current news, or come up for discussion, often result in a very negative press! The negative press that is given often discourages and destroys any desire of the people to worship Us, their loving Elohim. However, the BBC and other media are always ready to promote everything which they deem important and necessary and give credence to them. These include the promotion of witchcraft, idolatry, various forms of paganism and sodomy. These are the very things which I, Yahweh, have forbidden and called abominations.

These things are happening because the United Kingdom where We, The Elohim and Creator of Heaven and Earth and the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, were once worshipped; have been despised, forsaken, rejected and cast aside. She has replaced Us, her Elohim (God), with mammon, upon which she has depended and in which she has placed her whole faith and trust. This is because she has made mammon her god!

This worship of mammon has contributed to her arrogance and pride and her false security. Thus she has relied upon her affluence, her prosperity, her possessions and achievements, instead of putting her dependence, faith and trust in Us, the Elohim, Who blessed and prospered her. She has done these things because she has abandoned Us, the Elohim Who blessed prospered her. This has led her to become a cage of every foul and unclean creature!! Due to her pernicious ways every unclean, foul and abominable thing which I, Yahweh, have detested including idolatry, witchcraft and sodomy have become the accepted way of life and given credence and prominence. She has ensured that some of these abominable practices are made part of the Laws of the land.

As she has embraced paganism and atheism and secularism, the places of worship dedicated to Our worship have been demolished, sold off as business places or places of worship for other gods, which I, Elohim Yahweh, do not know!! Most of those which remain are poorly attended or are falling into disrepair. Not only has the United Kingdom cast Us, her Elohim aside, as well as Our Holy Word, there is great hatred for Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), Who came and shed His blood and died upon the Cross for the sins of this world. Elohim Yahushua died to redeem the human race from the torments of Hell after they leave this world at the time of death and from far greater torments in the Lake of fire and brimstone in the great Judgment ahead of this world.

We, the Elohim of all worlds: Yahweh (God the Father, Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) are hated, despised and rejected by the majority of people in the United Kingdom. Most hated, however, is Yahushua Ha Mashiach Who gave His life for the sins of all mankind!! This has resulted in everything about Him being despised!

Yahushua Ha Mashiach is so despised and rejected that the times set aside each Year to honour and celebrate His Birth, Death, Resurrection and Ascension back to His throne in Heaven, have been removed or replaced with meaningless names, including the “Winter Holidays” for the Christmas Season, when His Birth is celebrated. Thus she has tried to do away with everything which pertains to Us, the Elohim, Who created her, blessed and prospered her. Her main reason for doing this is to avoid offending those who worship their numerous gods. They, unlike her, have not abandoned or forsaken the gods they worship. Whereas the majority of indigenous British people have rejected Us, their Elohim, and the Elohim of their forefathers, those who have immigrated from other countries with their various gods, ensure that these gods are given the publicity, the credence, the honour, the respect, the homage and the worship which are due to them.

In her rejection of Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the United Kingdom has forsaken My Instructions for her way of life, success and prosperity which I came down from Heaven 3000 years ago and gave to Moses upon Mount Sinai for the good of the nations (Exodus 20). Instead, she has in place her own laws, some of which failed even before they were made law. She has removed from public places and from the institutions the Titles (since Our Names have not been used) which would indicate any reference being made to Us. Now that she has a multi-faith society, Christian worship is taken out of the schools which are operated by the government to avoid offending those of non-Christian faiths.

Whereas this nation is doing everything to erase any reference being made to Us, the Elohim, Who blessed and prospered her and maintains her life; she has begun to harass and persecute some of My children because they may display certain symbols to show their allegiance to Us, their Elohim. Likewise, many of My children are being persecuted if they even offer to pray to Us on behalf of others.

The situation, however, is totally different with those who belong to the non-Christian faiths. They are often given publicity when the need arises and are never denigrated or put down!! These various groups are able to do and practise whatever they would like and have what they do promoted for the rest of the world to emulate. Likewise, every precaution is taken to ensure they are not offended in any way. On the other hand nothing is done to show respect and honour to Us, the Elohim of all worlds and all flesh. Instead, Our Names are continually blasphemed and trampled under foot!! We are hated, despised and rejected in the United Kingdom and are continually treated with great scorn and disdain! The loathing for Us is so great that any reference made to Us is often an embarrassment!! The exceptions to this are those who have remained loyal to Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Due to this secular and pagan land, the majority of children are born and brought up without any knowledge of Us, their Elohim, Who created and gave them life, sustain, provide, protect and keep them. They are allowed to do whatsoever they would like because they are not taught about Us, the true and living Elohim. Neither are they taught to worship Us, nor about Our love for them and what We require of them. This includes teaching them to know right from wrong.

Many of the children are not taught to show respect to those in authority, including showing respect to their teachers. There is no safety or security guaranteed and for this reason many are in gangs which offer some security and protection. Many have taken to drugs and alcohol and are out of control. Such ones have no regard even for the Law enforcement officers and they do not fear the Courts of Law or the Penal System. Therefore, many of them are often attracted to commit crimes and violent acts. This has resulted in the drugs, guns and knife crimes, so that blood now flows freely as more and more young people are murdered each day. The blood of those young persons is crying from the ground. To avenge their blood, I will bring more severe judgments upon the land, including a severe famine upon the United Kingdom.

Over the years as the United Kingdom has prospered, she has become arrogant and proud. Thus she has been blinded by her self-sufficiency, love of pleasure and fullness of bread. This has contributed greatly to her rejection of Us: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, and the casting aside of Our Word. Over the Decades she has done away with My Laws and Commandments which have been in place for her own good and prosperity and security and protection. Thus everyone does what is considered to be right in their own eyes. However, it is written in My Word:

1“Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no [Elohim] God." They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; no one does good! 2 The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for [Yahweh] God. 3 But no, all have turned away from [Yahweh] God; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not even one! 4 Will those who do evil never learn? They eat up my people like bread; they wouldn't think of praying to [Yahweh] the Lord.5 Terror will grip them, for [Yahweh] God is with those who obey him.”(NLT).

The rejection of My Laws and Commandments (including Exodus 20) has led to a breakdown in Law and Order. This is responsible for the many ills in society, including the very high crime rate, lack of respect for those in authority, avarice, immorality, the continual shedding of blood and man’s inhumanity to man, as well as the overcrowding of the Penal System. The list of the ills in society is endless because love, respect, honesty and trust have been removed leaving a void which cannot be filled by man or his man-made laws!!

Sadly, due to her rejection of Us, her Elohim, and her ungodly, secular and atheistic ways; this once prosperous country and relatively safe country has now reached to the place where due to the numerous crimes committed, the hooliganism, the vandalism, the yobish behaviour, the immorality and their resulting fruits; she has become the basest of kingdoms and the laughing stock of many other nations.

The United Kingdom has become so secular and corrupt that Islam is now poised to take over and put an end to her secularity, love of vice and all that she holds dear as a secular nation. The battle for the takeover has begun, hence the war of terror being waged by militant Islamists. This is being done because they are determined to take over this land and the rest of the world which is their objective. When Islam takes over, Sharia Law, parts of which the Government is being pressured to bring in, will be the Law of the land. Those who are not already Moslems will then have to comply because Islam is a religion of submission. Once Islam is in control, and they will not be allowed the freedom of choice which is now theirs. Neither will secularism, greed and avarice and immorality be tolerated. Those who will not comply will be dealt with according to the dictates of Islamic Law!!