Thursday, 18 October 2012


In our study so far, we see that when Elohim (God) decided to make man, He had a plan in mind to make him the crowning work of His creation; one who would be  special and would bring Him honour and glory.  Man was not to be like any other of His  created beings but was to be very much like Himself, Elohim.  

This plan in creating man and woman was not Yahweh’s (God the Father’s) decision alone but that of Yahushua (Jesus) and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) also. In Genesis 1: 26, 27, we have the account of what was said:

“And [Elohim] God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness . . . So [Elohim] God created man in his own image, in the image of [Elohim] God created he him; male and female created he them”.

Please note carefully what is stated in this verse.  Elohim said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. At the time Elohim made that statement ALL Three Beings in the Godhead were totally Spirit Beings.  They did not have physical bodies.

Hence man would first be a spirit being, like unto His Elohim; the true person, for whom a body would be made to house his spirit, his true inner person.  Thus man would be a tri-partite being consisting of spirit, soul and body, who would inhabit Planet Earth and have dominion over it. 

These three beings of man would be totally independent of each other but working together as a unit.  We are told more about the creation of man as we read in Genesis 2:7:

“And [Yahweh Elohim] the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”.

When our Elohim made man, with His own hands, He formed him from the dust of the ground and then breathed into him the breath of life so that he would become a living soul or person.

Man was now first a spirit being, consisting of spirit and soul, made in the “image” and “likeness” of  his Creator. Yahweh made a body for him to be his earthly house or tabernacle or tent, as Paul refers to the body in 2 Corinthians 5 :1-9. 

These passages of  Scriptures are relevant to show the difference between the spirit being, the true person, and the body which houses the spirit. However, we will pay special attention to 2 Corinthians 5: 1-3, 6-8 in the NLT:

“For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down—when we die and leave these bodies—we will have a home in heaven, an eternal body made for us by [Elohim] God himself and not by human hands”.2 “We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long for the day when we will put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing.  For we will not be spirits without bodies, but we will put on new heavenly bodies”.

6“So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with the Lord. 7That is why we live by believing and not by seeing. 8Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these bodies, for then we will be at home with [Yahushua] the Lord”.

                    THE FOETUS (BABY) IN THE UTERUS!!

When we were conceived, at that moment Elohim Yahweh sent our spirits (spirit and soul) our true persons, from heaven to this world.  Once conception takes place with the fertilized ovum (egg of the mother) and the spermatozoa (the seed of the man), the cells forming the new person begin to multiply, divide and subdivide as the embryo begins to develop and form the body of the new baby with the various organs, limbs, blood vessels, nerves,  sinews, bones and other parts of the body as well as the gene pool including  the various hereditary tendencies.

Within the first three months in the womb, during the embryonic  stage,  the body of the baby is fully formed. From that stage on it is referred to as the foetus.

During the next six months the body with its limbs and the  various internal and external organs, including  the heart, the brain and the lungs; likewise the various systems, including the circulatory, reproductive and nervous systems continue to develop and grow so that they are able to function when the baby is born.

Due to the advancement of medical science, though the normal gestation period is forty weeks, in some countries babies have a good chance of  surviving   independently outside the womb from twenty weeks gestation and onward

During pregnancy great changes occur in the body of the mother as she bears the “fruit” of the womb.  Likewise, as the child is being made in secret in the womb, our Creator performs a wonderful and mysterious work, a great miracle—a beautiful new life, a baby!!  Thus  the Psalmist David says in Psalms 139:

13For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. 14I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them”.

While the foetus is alive and growing, it gets its nourishment and also oxygen through the umbilical cord which is attached to the placenta, which in turn is attached to her womb.  Likewise, the waste products including carbon dioxide are also removed from the baby through umbilical cord to the placenta, which is equipped by our Creator to carry out these functions.

As I have said before, during the time the baby is being formed in the uterus, it does not breathe.  Once the lungs are formed, they are solid.  The baby is surrounded by water called liquor, which acts a  buffer from shocks and injuries to the baby and also allows free movements and room for it to grow. 

During the time of pregnancy as the body of the child develops and grows, that foetus or baby can hear and feel and move and is very much alive.

Please note that the body at that stage is developing and growing but the spirit (spirit and soul), the true person, is not young or growing.   It is that part, the spirit, of the un-born child that is sensitive to all that is taking place inside and outside of the mother’s body.

That is the reason it is very important what a mother thinks about, listens to, do or say; as well as her emotional state during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the spirit of the child is being influenced in the womb for good or for ill from that early stage.

Therefore, the influence of the expectant mother upon her unborn child is imperative because the spirit of the child, the true person, is fully active while it waits  on the body to be developed so that it can live independently outside of the womb of the mother.


At birth when the baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, the function of the placenta and the umbilical cord are over.  Once the cord is cut, the baby MUST begin to breathe because while the baby is in the womb, the lungs are solid but once the baby is born the lungs must open and take over its function to breathe and take in oxygen to purify the blood and remove the carbon dioxide, the impure air from the blood. 

At that critical stage at birth, the baby MUST CRY and at the first cry,  the lungs open up and respiration (i.e. one inspiration and one expiration) begins so that the baby breathes in its own oxygen and breathes out its own carbon dioxide.

If the baby does not cry, there is serious trouble. For that reason the midwife or doctor must stimulate the baby to cry.  If the baby does not cry after everything has been done to enable it to cry so that the lungs can open up and take in the air with the oxygen, then a verdict of “Still Birth” will result.

NB.  Breathing which begins at birth is NOT the spirit (spirit and soul), the true person.  It has nothing to do with the true spirit and soul which was sent from heaven by our Elohim at conception.  The breath is only the physiological function by which we are kept alive. 


The breath begins at birth and gives us the gift of life in this world and continues until we die. At the death of the body, the breath leaves the body and returns to our Elohim as we are told in Eccl. 12:7:

   “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto [Yahweh] God who gave it”.

And in Psalms 146:4:
    “His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts     perish”.

The true spirit (spirit and soul) of the person which came in at conception, also leaves the body at the time of death.   However, whereas the body dies,  the spirit  (spirit and soul), the true person,  does not die. At that time it leaves because without the body, its  home in this world,  it has no more legal right here and MUST leave Planet Earth.


The spirit is immortal and does not die. It continues to live on but the question is: Where?  Many of those who have been resurrected from the dead in recent years have told about their experiences after they left their bodies at death. 

Those who went to heaven, including little children, have told about its glory and beauty and wonders.  Some of them have spoken about the joys of seeing Yahushua, His lovely, sweet smile and His love and gentleness.

They have also spoken about seeing the angels and meeting their departed loved ones and neighbours, etc. who welcomed them and spoke to them.  Many of those who went to heaven did not want to come back to this world because heaven  is such a wonderful place. 

On the other hand those who went to hell and torment after they died, were very happy to be back in this world and to be given another opportunity to turn their lives over to Yahushua and receive Him as their Adonai and Saviour. Many have become His ministers and are warning their fellowmen that hell is real and of the sufferings, torment and terrors there.  They are encouraging them to accept Yahushua as their Saviour while they are still in this life so that they will not have to go to that terrible place of suffering and great torment.

NB: The Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the King James Version of the Bible unless otherwise stated.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012



Our spirit (spirit and soul), our true inner person, is the immortal, immaterial part of our being. It includes the will, the intellect, the emotions, intuitions and the mind, or the true heart  of man (not the organ which pumps our blood around the body).

The spirit is the intelligent part of us and is a totally separate and independent being from the physical body in which  it is housed during our lifetime. It is the part of our being which cannot be seen with the physical eyes but it rules us and makes us  the persons we are. It is our inner voice which gives us intuition, speaks to us, influences us; makes decisions and instructs the body to carry them out, or to refrain from doing so.

It is the spirit part of our being which  actively goes about in our dreams when we are asleep and the body is at rest.

It is the part of the being through  which our Elohim communicates with us and we with Him. Concerning Elohim speaking to us, we are told in  Job 33: 14-17:

“14 For [Elohim] God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
16  Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
17  That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man”.

Our spirit  (spirit and soul)  is the part of us which worships and  seeks after our Elohim, or rejects Him. It is accountable to Him for the things done in our bodies in our lifetime in this world (Ecclesiastes 12: 13,14; 2 Corinthians 5: 10).  

The spirit (spirit and soul) is the part of the being which Satan wants to control so that he can begin his work of destruction in the life, and ultimately eternal torment if the person does not accept Yahushua as his or her Saviour (Romans 7: 7-24; John 8:44; Revelation 20: 10-15).

The spirit (spirit and soul) is the  part which must have a personal relationship with Elohim and which MUST BE BORN AGAIN and be CONVERTED (John 3: 3-8; Psalm 19: 7; Acts 3: 19). 


The spirit  is the part  of our being for which Yahushua came to this world and gave His life in order to save us from eternal torment in hell when our bodies die and from the lake of fire and brimstone in the final judgment (John 3: 14-17; John 11: 25,26; Luke 16: 19-31; Revelation 20:10-15). 

This eternal torment begins when the person dies because the spirit is immortal and never dies.   It is only the body which dies because of the sinful nature we inherit.  Therefore, at death when the body dies the spirit must leave the body, its house or earthly tabernacle, because it has no legal right in this world without the body.

When the spirit  (spirit and soul) leaves at death, it goes to one of two places. For those who fully accepted Yahushua as their Saviour, they are taken to Heaven to be with Him and to be clothed in His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5: 1-9; Philippians 1: 23,24).  There they remain with Him until He returns at His second coming for His children.  

At Yahushua’s glorious return, He will bring back with Him the spirits of His children who died. He will then resurrect them from them from their resting places, including the seas and the elements, for those who were cremated. He will then give to each of them beautiful, immortal and incorruptible bodies, into which He will place their individual spirits. Once He has done this, then they  will once again be spirit, soul and body, as He intended it to be before sin came and brought death and decay (Matthew 24: 26, 30,31; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-9; Luke 16: 19-22; Revelation 20: 4- 6).

At His return, Yahushua will take His resurrected children back to Heaven, along with the rest of His children  (who are still alive at His return).  Like the resurrected with their new immortal and incorruptible bodies, they will also be changed into immortal and incorruptible beings.  There, in Heaven, they will all spend a thousand years with Yahushua before He returns to convene the final judgment. This will be  followed by the new heavens and the new earth which He has promised to create for their eternal habitation, i.e. His redeemed children (1 Thessalonians  4:16,17; 1 Cor 15: 50-54; Revelation 20: 4-6, 10-15; Revelation 21, 22). 
For those who have rejected Yahushua as their Saviour, at death their spirits go to  hell and great torment. For those who are alive at His return, they will all die from the fire which will go before Him (Psalm 50: 3) the global earthquake and tsunami which will remove every mountain and island from their places (Revelation 16: 18,20), as well as the glory of Yahushua, Yahweh the Father and all the holy angels who will accompany Him (Luke 9:26). All the dead of the ages will await  the final judgment a thousand years later.  In that awful judgment, each one will give an account to Elohim Yahweh why they have rejected the saving grace of Yahushua, His Son, whom He sent to this world to save them and give them eternal life with Him.  No one in that final judgment can be saved at that time. Instead,  their reward will be eternal torment in the  lake of fire and brimstone which has been prepared for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41,46; Luke 1: 1-31; Revelation 20: 10, 15).

NB: Hell and the lake of fire and brimstone are real and they are prepared for the devil and his angels and NOT FOR ANY MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RACE!!  That is the reason Satan deceives the nations so that they will share his fate, first in hell when they leave their bodies at death, followed by the lake of fire and brimstone in the final judgment (Matthew 25: 41, 46; Revelation 20: 10, 15).

The concept of us having an immortal, independent, intelligent spirit (spirit and soul) in our bodies, is very difficult for some people to grasp and accept.  This poses no problem to the majority of Africans who are fully aware that witches are often prevalent in their societies. Witches are known in those countries, to leave their bodies and enter  familiars, such as  cats, dogs and birds, etc. Through those familiars they go to their conferences which are often held in  trees during the night hours.  In those trees they appear as bright lights. We often witnessed these lights while we were traveling at nights during the time we lived in  Ghana, West Africa.

In Ghana when one is suspected of being a witch,  during the night when the people are asleep, someone will go and wake up everyone in the vicinity.  If there is someone who cannot be wakened up, though breathing normally, then such a person will be accused of being a witch and the appropriate action will be taken. 

While the witch is out of the body and is out and about, the body cannot be awakened until the familiar returns and the spirit of the person re-enters the body. Should there be accidents, crashes, etc., resulting in injuries or death to the familiars, the same fate will befall the body of the witch or wizard. Such injuries will be visible on the body or bodies of those persons, living or dead. 


On the Christian Channels and also on Zone Reality (One of the Sky Channels) we have seen and heard stories from mothers interacting with the spirits of children who were to come into their families.

In One story, a lady was involved in a plane crash and was badly burnt. She found herself out of her body (a near death experience), free from pain and happily walking in a beautiful garden. A young man approached her and said to her: “Mother, What are you doing here”.  She realised that she had to have that child and with that she chose to return to her body.  Once she was back in her body she  endured excruciating pains and took months to recover.  Soon after she recovered, she became pregnant and had a lovely baby boy.   He was the very child who spoke to her in the garden while she was out of her body.

In another case, a mother was warned by her physician that it was detrimental to her life to have anymore children.  It was arranged for her to have her womb out. Shortly before she was due to go for surgery, her little three year old daughter came and told her that Martin had been playing with her. She was surprised about what her daughter told her.  Soon after, her other daughter came and told her the same thing. The mother also  saw the little boy running and playing with girls. She decided that that little boy had to come to her family and she cancelled the operation.  Within a year, she had a baby son, looking like the very child that came to play with the girls.  The father named him Martin. At the time the story was recorded, Martin was about 14 years old.

In another story, a mother was expecting twins.  She was very ill carrying the babies.  One night her husband had a dream in which a young man came up to him and said:  “Dad, mum is too ill to carry both of us.  My sister and I have decided that I will return and come back after she is born”.

From the time of that dream the expectant mother became well and her pregnancy progressed to full term. When she delivered, she delivered a healthy baby girl and a still born son.  Within a year, she had a son. He had the identical features of his sister, including the freckles.  He grew very fast and caught up with her and they related and interacted in every way as identical twins often do. They were totally unlike their older brother who was a red head. We were shown the family on the TV.

I also heard the story from a mother who had rejected her unborn child. The child was born and from birth she gave her parents no trouble, not even to cry for food or when she was wet and needed her nappy changing.   She grew up and was very close to her mother.  One day while they were conversing, the mother was singing her praises.   The daughter paused the conversation, smiled and looked her mother straight in her eyes and told her emphatically: “But you did not want me”!! The mother was very shocked and asked her the question: “Where did you get that from”.  In answer, the daughter again said: “But you did not want me”!!

These stories are proof that we are truly spirit beings made in Yahweh’s “likeness” and “image” and that the spirit exists before conception and after conception it is active while the body is being made in the womb.


There may be some confusion regarding what  I have written here and what is written on the state of man  in death, as is recorded in Psalms 146:3, 4:

“3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish”.

And in Job 14: 21

“His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them”.

Without our spirits (spirits and souls) along with our five senses performing their various roles in our bodies,  our bodies would be of non-effect because it is this independent, intelligent, part of our beings which controls our minds, our wills, our thoughts, our emotions,  gives command to our bodies and makes us the persons we are in life. 

At death when the spirit (spirit and soul) leaves the body, the body fully shuts down and all life and functions cease including the thought process.  It is of no more use to the person who lived in it and must be disposed of through burial (when it return to its dust) or cremation, etc.  Thus:

         “His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but                he perceiveth it not of them”. Job 14: 31.

This is in direct fulfilment of Psalm 146:4:

“His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish”.
The spirit  (spirit and soul) on the other hand continues to live because it is immortal and never dies (John 11: 25,26). It continues to live in one of two places:

1.                           Heaven:  for those who accept Yahushua as their Saviour (Luke 16: 20-22, the spirit of the poor beggar, Lazarus in Heaven; Revelation 6: 9-11, the souls of the martyrs under the altar in Heaven).

2.                            Hell:  for those who reject Yahushua’s His love and grace (Luke 16: 22-28, the soul of the rich man, Divers, in hell and torment).

There are some Christians who regard the story which Yahushua told in Luke 16: 19-31, of the rich man, Divers, and the beggar, Lazarus, as a parable.  However, it is a true account of what happens to the spirit (spirit and soul) when it leaves the body at death.

Many of those who died and have been resurrected, testified to this fact that life continued as normal, except that they were without their bodies. They  reported that they had all their senses which were sharpened.  Thus they saw, they heard, they spoke and felt great joy or extreme fear. For them  everything remained normal, just as it is for us  when we are dreaming. It is only when we awake that we realise that we were dreaming.
I was also privileged to meet one young man who was resurrected from the dead and who told us his experience after he left his body at death. His name is Ian McCormack. You can see the video and the videos of others who were resurrected from the dead on the “Lazarus Phenomena” on the website of Dr Richard Kent:


I have heard many more stories on the Christian Channels and also on Zone Reality  from some of those who died and were resurrected in recent years.  There are many similar stories on the internet and on You Tube. It is reported that over 13 million people have had near deaths experiences and that figure is for the USA alone.  Concerning those who have had near death experiences

“The Gallup Organization and near-death research studies have estimated some 13 million adult near-death experiences in the U.S. Add children's near-death experiences, and all experiences worldwide, and the figure would be much larger. Near-death experiences are uncommon, but not rare”.
 -- Taken from website:

A near death experience occurs  when the spirit (not the breath)  leaves the body during an operation, a heart attack, drowning, serious accident, etc. At such  times the spirit of the person  may hover over the body and can see and hear everything that is happening to the body.

Some who have had near deaths experiences have told of what they experienced when they left their bodies. Some reported that they went  to Hell and experienced the terror and torments there.  They have spoken of how glad they were to be given back their lives so that they could accept Yahushua as their Saviour and avoid that place of utter torment. 

Some have also reported that they went to Heaven and met Yahushua and how  wonderful it is there. Some have told about meeting  loved ones who died, or that they met some of those whom they knew and who had influenced them. Some have spoken about walking in beautiful gardens, or going down a tunnel toward a bright light, completely free from pains and of the freedom they felt.  Often through the help of others, or due to medical intervention, those who have had near death experiences survived and re-entered into their bodies. 

You can see some of these stories on You Tube.  One such story is the story of the young Ecuadorian girl, Angelica Sambrano, who died in 2011, and was taken by Yahushua to both Hell and Heaven. 


There is no reason for anyone, especially Christians, to be ignorant about the spirit and the soul, their true person.  Neither should they be ignorant about what happens after the body dies. We are living in an age of enlightenment  and many are equipped with computer and internet skills.  They have information of every kind at their finger tips. It is often said, “No one ever comes back to tell us what takes place after they die”.

Such glib talk can no longer be justified because there are many reports from those who have been resurrected in recent years. It is therefore important to know that we are not just bodies, kept alive by our breaths.  We are more than mere bodies.  We are first spirit beings, made in the “image” and “likeness” of our Elohim. At conception Yahweh sent us, i.e.  our spirits to this world, and fashioned our bodies in the wombs of our mothers so that we can live in this world.

Our bodies, the earthly dwellings of our spirits (spirit and soul),  are all subject to death because of sin. When the time comes for our  bodies to die, unlike our bodies, our spirit man (spirit and soul),  does not die. Instead, we, i.e. our spirit and soul,  leave this world and continue to live in one of two places: Heaven and paradise, or Hell and torment.  Where we spend the rest of eternity  depends  on the choices we make in this world whether we accept Yahushua, our Saviour,  who came and gave His life for us; or, we reject Him and allow Satan to be in control of our lives.

We have the choice to choose where we will spend the rest of eternity when we leave this world.  My Question, therefore  to you,  is: Where will you spend the rest of eternity when you leave this world?? Will it be  HEAVEN WITH YAHUSHUA, YOUR SAVIOUR?  OR HELL FOLLOWED BY THE LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE WITH SATAN AND HIS ANGELS??    The choice is yours. 


Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Man is a tripartite being consisting of the Spirit, the Soul and the Body.  This is a very important topic, a subject which everyone should know about and understand because it applies to all of us.  Each of us was brought into this world by Elohim Yahweh, our Creator (the true Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel),  for a purpose.  That purpose, whether we know it or not, is to LOVE and OBEY HIM  and carry out HIS WILL  for our lives.

Concerning the Spirit, the Soul and the Body, Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians  5:23:

 “And the very [Elohim] God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray [Elohim] God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our [Adonai Yahushua Ha Mashiach]  Lord Jesus Christ”.

Each person born into this world is a complex tripartite being consisting first of our spirit being which comprises an independent spirit and an independent soul. That independent spirit and soul was sent from heaven by Elohim Yahweh, when we were conceived. 

Our spirit being, our true inner self,  live in a body. That body is the third part of our being,  which Yahweh created in the wombs  of our mothers.  Like our physical bodies  which must be fed and nourished to be kept healthy and alive, so also must our spirit (spirit and soul).  They too must  be fed and nourished on the Word of our Elohim, prayer, worship and fellowship with others in the body of Yahushua; thereby we can  have a healthy and close relationship with our Elohim.  Finally when we leave our bodies at death,  we can go to be with Yahushua,  who died to save us from hell and the lake of fire and brimstone,  in His eternal  kingdom of Glory.


Many people in this world, including many Christians, believe they are just bodies which come to an end when they die and that is all there is of  them. As such,  they are not accountable or responsible to anyone and can live and do as they please because everything for them  ends at death. 

Some Christians, however, believe that they are only bodies and breath and that when they die it is only the breath which returns to Elohim.  Their deceased  bodies then rest  in their graves (for those who are buried)  until Yahushua returns and resurrect them and take them to Heaven.  This is what I was taught in the church in which I was a member for most of my life. For them there is no independent spirit or soul (the true inner person) which came from Elohim at conception.  Sadly, there is often great mourning  when family members die. The only consolation they have is that they will meet again at the return of Yahushua. 

My concept began to change when the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit,  began to teach me about the “spirit” and “soul”, our true inner persons,  which  Yahweh made in His “image” and “likeness”.   Concerning this it is written In Genesis 1: 26, 27:

“And [Elohim] God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness . . . So [Elohim] God created man in his own image, in the image of [Elohim] God created he him; male and female created he them”.

First we must  understand that:

 “[Elohim] God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. John 4: 24.

This is what Yahushua told the woman of Samaria at the well (John 4:24).

Yahweh,  our Elohim,  is a not a physical being with a body of flesh blood and bones as we are. He is a Spirit Being. We must acknowledge this fact in order to understand the subject of being made in the “image” and “likeness” of our Elohim.  When Elohim created the man, Adam  and Eve, his wife, He DID NOT CREATE them in the “image” and “likeness”  of His BODY  because He did not have a physical body of flesh, blood and bones.

He made  them in the  “image” and “likeness” of His Spirit,  then He furnished them with physical bodies to house their spirit (spirit and soul)  so that they could live upon the earth and fulfil the purpose for which He created them.

Yahweh had a definite purpose in making Adam and Eve and their  descendants. In Genesis 1: 26, Yahweh revealed His purpose, as we read:

“and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”.

Therefore, the man, Adam, His wife Eve, and their descendants would be gods in their own right, having dominion over His Creation. Concerning this we read in Psalms 82: 6:

“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High”.

Yahushua also confirmed this fact in John 10: 34,35:

“Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of [Elohim] God came, and the scripture cannot be broken.”

Each of us born into this world possess Elohim’s “image” and “likeness” in the form of our spirit  (spirit and soul), which He sent from heaven when we were conceived. In order for us to live in this world at the time Yahweh appointed us to be here, He created a body for us in our mother’s womb. That began for each of us at conception. In the wombs of our mothers our bodies developed and grew until we were matured enough to live independently outside of the womb.

The normal gestation period (time from conception to normal birth) is forty weeks.  However, from the 28th week onward the baby can live independently outside the womb.  These days due to the increase in medical science and the necessary medical equipments, such as incubators, etc.,  the baby can live outside the womb from 20 weeks gestation.

To each one born into the world is given a body which houses his or her  spirit (the true persons we are).  That is the independent, intelligent part of our being which is made in the “image” and “likeness” of our Elohim. 

When Elohim made the decision to create mankind, He was fully a Spirit Being and did NOT possess a physical body.  He wanted us to be like Him. Therefore for us to be in the world, have dominion  and enjoy what He created and made for us,  He had to make  physical bodies  for us to  house our spirit being.

NB. Our Elohim comprises Three Individual Holy Beings:  Yahweh, our Father, Yahushua, our Saviour and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.  Elohim is a plural Word but it always carries a singular Verb, Adverb and Adjective, denoting the Oneness of the Godhead. Therefore, we do not say Elohim “are” but Elohim “is”, or Elohim “have” but Elohim “has”.

Here I would like to take a few moments and explain about the importance of Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) taking on a physical body in order to come and live in this world.  His purpose for leaving His throne in the Third Heaven and come to this world was to redeem the human race from the curse of sin and death and give eternal life to those who would accept His suffering, His great sacrifice and His death upon a rough and rugged cross for them.


Elohim Yahweh, the Father, and Elohim Ruach Ha Kodesh are both fully  Spirit Beings.  Yahushua, however, is not a Spirit Being.  He took on a body when He came to this world to rescue us from the curse of sin and death and  He has retained His Human Form. However He is no longer in a sinful body subject to death and decay.  Since He was resurrected from the dead almost two thousand years ago, He  has been in a glorified body which is immortal.  This glorified body, we, too, will possess when we are changed at the return of Yahushua for His redeemed children. Our bodies will then be immortal and incorruptible as Elohim intended we were to be before sin entered and brought death upon the entire human race (1 Corinthians 50: 50-55; Romans 3: 23; Romans 6: 23).

Concerning the physical body of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, our Saviour , it is recorded in Hebrew 10: 5,7 :

“Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me … Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O [Yahweh] God”. 

Concerning that physical body of Yahushua, it was prophesied in Isaiah 9:6:

 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given”.

Please note that it says “A CHILD IS BORN”. It  denotes the body which was necessary for our Saviour to  have so that He could  live in this world.  Without that physical body, He could not come to this world and do the “WILL” of His Father, Yahweh. 

Please notice what follows next after “a child is born”, it is: “UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN.”   The SON, is the Spirit and Soul of our Saviour, Yahushua, (The True Spirit of Yahweh and the Second Person in the Godhead)  Whom Yahweh, the Father, sent from Heaven to this world at the time He was conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary, through the divine power of Ruach ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.

When the time came for Yahushua to enter this world, the angel Gabriel was sent from heaven to the virgin Mary and in Luke 1: 31-32,  it says:

“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name [YAHUSHUA] JESUS. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest.”

Yahweh sent His Son to this world in a body, the body of the Child, whom He called Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the True Messiah, Who would save His people from their sins (Matthew 1: 21).

Yahushua Ha Mashiach did not come into the world one day late or one day early.  He came in at Yahweh's appointed time. Concerning this we read in Galatians 4:4:

 "... but when the fulness of the time was come, [Yahweh] God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,  to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.


When our Elohim created our first parents, Adam and Eve, He made them as fully grown adults.  After He made them, He breathed into their nostrils the breath of life  and they became living souls as we read in Geneses 2:7:

“And the [Yahweh Elohim] LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”.

After they were created, Yahweh gave them the  command to “multiply and replenish the earth”( Genesis 1:28). From that time when Yahweh gave them the command  the children born into the world  were all incubated in the wombs of their mothers.


While we were in our mother’s wombs, from the time of conception when our lives began to the time of our births, we DID NOT BREATHE. For the first twelve weeks our bodies were formed with the various organs including our brains, hearts, lungs, livers, stomachs and reproductive organs. During that time our blood vessels, nerves,  sinews, limbs, bones and other parts of the body including our various systems, i.e. the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary systems, etc. were also formed.

Once the Placentas  (attached to our mother’s wombs) were formed and began to function, we got our nourishment and oxygen from them  through the umbilical cords (at the point of the navel or belly button). For the next  twenty eight weeks  (or until we were able to live outside the womb)  our bodies developed and grew. During the time we were in the  womb, we did not breathe because our lungs were solid.  However, we were fully alive and we are living proof of this fact because we are all alive in the world, which our Elohim has given to us.

We only began to breathe when we came out of the womb at birth. At that time our air and passages and lungs opened up and took over from the placentas, the function of which came to an end when we came out of the womb. For the lungs to open up and begin to function, we had to cry.  That is the same for all babies. We had to cry in order for our air passages  to open up and allow  oxygen to enter our blood stream and in particular or  brains, otherwise who could have had brain damage or died.

At birth if a baby fails to cry, there is serious trouble.  The midwife or doctor will have to stimulate the baby to cry by giving a few short slaps (the only time a person  will not be accused of child abuse or assault). 

If the baby still does not cry and is unable to respond after  the clearing of the airways and other  medical interventions, then that baby will be certified as STILL BORN.  That is a terrible thing to happen to any mother, yea, parents and other members of the family. 


The breath is NOT our spirit (spirit and soul) our true inner person.   It is the PHYSIOLOGICAL function which allows us to  breathe in oxygen from the air and exhale impure air from the body in the form of carbon dioxide.

The oxygen we breathe in, gives oxygen to the blood, while the carbon dioxide or impure air is exhaled from the body. These two functions  of breathing in air and exhaling air keep our physical beings, our bodies, alive. 

By this function of the respiration (one inspiration and one expiration) there is a constant interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide whereby the  blood is kept healthy and in turn, our bodies are healthy. 

Oxygen is vital for our lives. If it is unable to get to our brains within a certain time (which is just about three minutes),  there is the likelihood of brain damage which could result in a vegetative state or death.   

NB: The breath of life is totally different and separate from our true spirit (spirit and soul). The breath we breathe performs ONLY a physiological function. The breath is not an intelligent, independent being in man as is his spirit (spirit and soul). It functions from the time of birth when we came out of the womb and took our first breath and continues until we breathe our last breath at death.  This is so unless there is reason for medical intervention to take over the breathing by mechanical means through the use of respirators. Such medical interventions occur for example  during certain  surgical operations,  or  when the breathing is seriously affected  during certain very serious illnesses, or very serious  accidents.