Tuesday 31 January 2012


Throughout the entire world with all the great cities: New York, London, Paris, Sidney, Moscow and the many others, there is no other city on earth like the old city of East Jerusalem. Jerusalem or the “city of David” is an ancient city which David captured from the Jebusites. He built that city and made it his capital (1 Chronicles 11: 1-4).

Jerusalem was also the same city which Yahushua, while He was upon earth, called the city of the “great King”, as we read in Matthew 5: 34,35:

“but I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is [Elohim’s] God’s throne: nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King”.

That is the only city on earth which our Saviour refers to as the city of Elohim the Almighty. It is an important city to our Elohim and to both Israelis and Arab Palestinians today. It is a city of great controversy.


Many nations have ruled over that old city since AD 70 and for almost two thousand years it was under Gentile rule. However, during the Six Day War in 1967, the old city of East Jerusalem was captured by the Jews and went back under their rule. Its capture by the Jews at that time was very significant because of the prophecy Yahushua gave about it in AD 34, before He finally suffered and died for us upon the cruel cross. During His last week upon earth He said:

“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled…. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”. Luke 21: 24, 27.

The return of Old East Jerusalem to the Jews, the ancient city of their ancestors, in June 1967, was very significant. Its return marked the return of Yahushua, our Saviour, to this world for His children and to put the earth to rest prior to the final Judgment. Since Jerusalem was returned to Jewish rule in 1967, there have been many wars fought between the Arabs and the Jews because of the state of Israel which the Arabs want to reclaim. In particular, the city of Old East Jerusalem remains to this day a great bone of contention.


The Arab Palestinians want it as their Capital in the new state of Palestine which was voted in by the United Nation (“UN”) late 2011. Israel, however, still occupies it as their capital city, the city of King David, their ancestor. The UN in voting Old East Jerusalem as the new Palestinian Capital, has done so in defiance of what is written in the Word of Elohim, Yahweh.

The European Union (“EU”) is determined that the Palestinian state should be established and is stepping up actions to do so. The following is a quote from the JERUSALEM-ON-THE-LINE News Update, dated January 15th, 2012:

“EU BACKS PALESTINIAN LAND GRAB IN ISRAELI-CONTROLLED AREAS OF WEST BANK: The EU has decided to pursue a series of projects which could undermine Israel's control of Area C in the West Bank, according to an official EU document obtained by the Israeli media on Thursday. The document states that Europe will under-gird infrastructure and other projects in order to "support the Palestinian people and help maintain their presence in the area....It is no coincidence the very week, last week, that the European Union openly encouraged the Palestinian Authority to snatch lands from Israel in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem - pledging European help to do so”.

From this quote, it is questionable what kind of “help” the EU is promising to give the Palestinians in order that they will have their independent state, with the Old City of East Jerusalem as their Capital. Would it be the kind of help they gave to the Libyans to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power? Are they planning to use air power and bomb the Jews out of East Jerusalem and the other areas voted as the new Palestinian state??



Will Yahushua Ha Mashiach go back on His word and allow East Jerusalem, which He claims as His city, to return to Gentile rule? Will He allow the EU to drive the Jews out of the city He returned to them in fulfilment of His word and Will He allow the Arab Palestinians, a Gentile nation, to rule in Jerusalem in defiance of His word in Luke 21: 24

“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”.

What does He say in His Word, about the words He has spoken? He says:

  • “For I am [Adonai] the Lord, I change not”. Malachi 3:6.

  • “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips!” Psalm 89:34

  • “for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name”. Psalm 138:2


In addition to the prophecy of Yahushua in Luke 21:24, He went on the say what would follow. He says:

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:25, 26.

The happenings which are taking place in this world are not to be taken lightly, neither are they be passed off as just normal everyday happenings. Hence the great disasters of nature through earthquakes, destructive tsunamis, the terrible volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, floods, famines and land slides, along with their frequency and rapidity are not to be taken for granted.

Likewise, the riots, protests, demonstrations and sit-ins, now taking place in many countries, including Wall Street in the USA and here in England, are not to be over looked. They are happening in fulfilment of Yahushua’s word in the above Scripture Passage and other Scriptures in Yahweh's Word.

The uprisings in the Arabic countries in the Middle East and North Africa ( termed the "Arab Spring", rather the "Arab Mid-Winter" ) and the ousting of some of their leaders from power, are not to be ignored. The uprisings in the Arabic countries in the Middle East and North Africa are significant to end time prophecy. There is the continued hatred and contempt for the state of Israel by the nations surrounding her, including Iran’s threat to wipe her off the map. Likewise, the ending of the Peace treaty between her and Egypt, which President Hosni Mubarak upheld while he was in power, is a serious matter. This is especially so as the Muslim Brotherhood who is venomous toward Israel makes its intention known to drive her out of Israel, the land of her ancestors, Isaac and Israel.

In addition to the global financial situation and the financial downturn, along with the rising inflation and the austerity measures, are causing great hardships for most of the people in the world. There is also the poor economic climate and the great financial crisis which has led to some countries including Greece being bailed by the IMF and the accompanying austerity measures imposed upon the people. These happenings are not to be ignored.


In many countries, including parts of Nigeria, Egypt, North Korea, India and Pakistan there is the persecution and martyrdom of many Christians. Coupled with this, is the decline in Christianity and Christian values, especially here in the west. There is also the terrible lack of godliness in many lands and the outright contempt of many for Elohim Yahweh and His Word. There are deliberate passing of laws in defiance of His laws and instructions which He has given for our good and well-being. Those who are under the radar and fail to comply with these laws passed by men in the Parliaments, are punished severely and many have had their businesses, whereby they make their livelihoods, closed down or they have been sacked from their jobs. This is especially so here in the United Kingdom where the persecution of Christians is taking hold.


Our blessed Saviour Yahushua is now so hated that even the very mention of the Name is treated with contempt and forbidden in many places. This includes the stopping of the street preachers, the displaying of a Scripture text in places of business or the giving out of tracts pointing one to Yahushua Ha Mashiach, the Saviour. The wearing of a Cross signifying that one is a Christian is forbidden in some places of work and institutions and in some countries the followers of Yahushua have been killed for the wearing of a cross or the displaying of one. Thus everything is being done to do away the name of our loving Saviour and to remove Him from history.


In some countries to accept Yahushua as the only true Saviour, or to lead others to Him, results in imprisonment, labour camps and the death sentence. However, those who know the love of our Saviour and what awaits them when they die, Paradise in Heaven with Yahushua; do not fear persecution or death. Instead, they willing work to lead those who do not know King Yahushua to Him because they are fully aware that when such people die without Yahushua as their Saviour, they go to Hell and torment, where they await the terrible final judgment and the lake of fire and brimstone, where they will suffer with Satan throughout all eternity.


Whereas Christians are often persecuted for their beliefs, it is different for non-Christians. They can safely dress, display and wear whatever they want; promote and speak freely about the god they serve and go to court to have their religious rights granted, should there be any opposition against their beliefs.

                             WILL YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH REALLY COME AGAIN??

Following the words of Yahushua in Luke 21: 25, 26, in which He spoke of the grave signs which would occur prior to His return, He said:

“ And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”. Luke 21: 27.

The questions about with is Passage are:

Will Yahushua really keep His word which He spoke in Luke 21:27?

Will He indeed return to this world in “power and great glory”? Luke 9:26.

All the prophecies Yahushua gave concerning the state of the world and the prevailing conditions prior to His return have been fulfilled, as He prophesied. One such prophecy is that of the Old city of Jerusalem, east Jerusalem, returning to the Jews. By His grace,  Yahushua will surely return to this world for His true followers and He will fulfil these prophecies in Luke 21:27 and Luke 9:26 also.

                                                THE WRITING ON THE WALL!!

The things which this world is now experiencing among which are disasters, financial downturn, terrorism, godlessness along with what Yahushua told us in Luke 21: 25-26, can be compared to the “writings on the wall”. Thus Yahushua followed up with the admonition to the peoples of earth:

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh”. Luke 21: 28.

Yes, all these things which are taking place in the world including man’s inhumanity to man and the great sufferings and hardships and disasters; are saying one thing: YAHUSHUA WHO DIED FOR THE HUMAN RACE IS NOW READY TO RETURN TO THIS WORLD FOR HIS CHILDREN, WHO HAVE ACCEPTED HIS LOVE AND SACRIFICE FOR THEM. Thus He says to the peoples of Planet Earth:

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be”. Revelation 22: 12.

Yahushua has left us in no doubt as to how He will return:

“…and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other”. Matthew 24:30,31.

Paul the apostle to the Gentiles, enlarged on the manner of Yahushua’s return. In His Epistle to the Thessalonians, he wrote:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of [Yahweh] God: and the dead in [Yahushua] Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet [Yahushua] the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with [Yahushua] the Lord”. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17.


Will Old East Jerusalem really be the Capital of the new Palestinian state as the UN has voted in and which the EU is now telling the Palestinians to take over by force? Will Yahushua go back on His word, which the Scriptures say He has magnified above His Name? (Psalm 138:2). Will He cause the Jews in Israel to be wiped out by their enemies?

All that Yahushua Ha Mashiach has said in His Word, have come to pass and will He now refuse to fulfil that for which He gave up in kingdom in Glory and came to this world, where He bore our sins, suffered for us and willingly shed His precious blood and then died for us to give us eternal life with Him? Since none of His prophecies have never failed and all have been fulfilled, this part of His prophecy relating to His return will also be fulfilled. According to His word He could come anytime now.


To assure us that He WILL FULFIL HIS WORD:

“And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”. Luke 21: 27.

Yahushua Ha Mashiach has sent to tell us that He is coming “RIGHT AWAY”!! Over the years He has resurrected many people, including Ian McCormack from New Zealand and Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu from Nigeria and sent them back with the Message that He is coming soon. In early 2011, Yahushua took the spirit of an eighteen year old young woman, Angelica Zambrano, an Ecuadorian, to both Hell and Heaven. She had died for twenty three hours and during the time she was dead, He showed her the terrors of Hell, A REAL PLACE, and the suffering of the souls who are there, including some of those whom she allegedly recognised, including the late Pope John Paul 11 and the singer, Michael Jackson. Next He took her to Heaven also A REAL PLACE and showed her the beauty of Heaven and the glories awaiting His children. He then resurrected her and sent her back to tell this world of His imminent return and that He is “COMING RIGHT AWAY”. Her testimony and that of others are on: “http://www.testimoniesofheavenandhell.com” .

There is also the Lazarus Phenomenon of some the others who died and were resurrected. They are also telling their stories of their experiences after they died. Some of those stories can be seen on the website of Dr Richard Kent on the “The Lazarus Phenomenon”.

Yahushua Ha Mashiach is ready to return to this world for His children and take them to Heaven to be with Him for one thousand years. He will then return to this world and convene the final judgment and give all those who have rejected His love and sacrifice for Him their just reward in the Lake of fire and brimstone, which has been prepared for Satan and his demonic host. Following this final judgment, King Yahushua will cleanse this world with molten fire and create the new heavens and the new earth for the eternal habitation of His redeemed children where he will live and dwell with them (Matthew 24: 27, 30,31; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17, 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54, Revelation 20, 21,22).


At any time now Yahushua will “come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels”. Luke 9:26.

He will NOT return in secret because Revelation 1: 7, says:

“Behold, he cometh with clouds [clouds of angels]; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him”. Revelation 1:7

And in Psalms 50:3, we read: 3:

“Our [Elohim] God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him”.

It will be a very frightening time for those who are not prepared for His coming as we read in Revelation 6: 14-17:

14 “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”


King Yahushua Ha Mashiach who loves you and gave His life for you is READY TO RETURN TO THIS WORLD FOR HIS CHILDREN. The question is:


Likewise, should you die this very day, WHERE WILL YOU GO, i.e. your spirit and soul? WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY? Will it be with Yahushua who came and died for you and me and took the punishment which we deserve and gave us His unspotted life of purity, so that we will have eternal life with Him?


WILL YOU GO TO HELL AND TORMENT, FOLLOWED BY THE ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, which has been prepared for Satan and his demonic host?

YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH WHO DIED FOR THE WORLD WILL RETURN FOR HIS WAITING CHILDREN. His coming will NOT be in secret and the whole world will know about it as we read in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17:

“For [Yahushua] the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of [Yahweh] God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet [Yahushua] the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with [Yahushua] the Lord”.

Yes, King Yahushua, our Saviour IS COMING. He is coming in fulfilment of His word in Luke 21: 24:

“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Luke 21:24.

“And then shall they see the Son of man [King Yahushua] coming in a cloud with power and great glory”. Luke 21:27



The admonition of Yahushua to everyone is:

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh”.

“These things” include the Arab uprising in the Middle East, the plan of those nations to wipe Israel from off the map; the passing of the Old city of East Jerusalem to be the capital of the new Palestinian state; a world now turned up-side-down with disasters and of troubles of every kind, are evidences that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH IS COMING. It is time to heed His command:

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not [Yahushua] the Son of man cometh”. Matthew 24:44.

By His grace, let us be ready and waiting for His glorious return for His children to take them to Heaven; and put an end to all life upon the earth and allow the earth to rest so that she will rest and enjoy her sabbaths. (Leviticus 26:43).

To those who are followers of Yahushua Ha Mashiach’s, I say: Be faithful to Him, be very, very faithful to Him. He is coming “right away” for you.


To those who have not received Yahushua as your Saviour and know His love for you, there is still time to do so, for Yahushua says:

“him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”. John 6.37.

He is the ONLY SAVIOUR. He died for you, loves you and cares for you and wants you to be with Him in His Kingdom of Glory. Therefore, if you would like Him to be your Saviour and Adonai (Lord), please say the simple prayer and you will become His child from this moment on, Thus fulfilling His Word in John 6:37.

“Dear Yahushua, Thank you for your love for me. Please come into my life and forgive my sins. Please take full control of my life and be my Adonai and Saviour. Amen.

Once you have prayed this simple prayer, Yahushua will come into your life and you will become His precious child. He will baptise you with the Ruach Ha Kodesh who will always be with you. He will also give you His angels to be with you and protect you. And He will save you in His eternal kingdom of Glory which is soon to dawn. Once you have invited Yahushua to be your Adonai and Saviour, you are born again and immediately you pass from death to life. Therefore, you have the assurance, that if you should die this night or Yahushua returns, you will go to be with Him in Heaven and will live and reign with Him.

Once again to His children I say: Please be faithful to your Saviour Yahushua, do the work He has given to you to testify and tell others of His love for them and be ready and waiting for His return. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH IS COMING AS HE SAID AND WILL BE THE TRUE RULER OF HIS CITY: THE CITY OF OLD EAST JERUSALEM.



In a recent interview on one of the news channels, a Palestinian young man made the comment that their ancestors, the Philistines, have always been in Israel. I have also heard the same comments from others. Being descendants of the Philistines, therefore, give them the right to have the new state of Palestine. Those who do not know, or studied Biblical history are unaware that the Arabs do not descend from the Philistines, who were the bitter enemies of Israel.

The Arabs and the Jews are from the line of Abraham who was a Semite from the line of Shem, the first son of Noah (Genesis 5: 32; Genesis 10; Genesis 11). The Jews came through the line of Isaac, Abraham’s son with Sarah, his wife (Genesis 21; Matthew 1: 1-17).

Some of the Arabs came though the line of Ishmael, whom Hagar, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham (Genesis 16). After the death of Abraham’s wife, Sarah, he married Keturah and she bore him six sons: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah (Genesis 25: 1,2). These six sons of Abraham along with Ishmael, their brother, are the ancestors of the Arabs.

The Philistines, however, are from the line of Ham, the second son of Noah (Genesis 5: 32; Genesis 10:1- 14). Therefore, the present Palestinian Arabs did not descend from the ancient Philistines. They are the descendants of Abraham, like their cousins the Jews.

Sunday 15 January 2012


All too soon the year 2011 came to an end and is now a part of history. It was a very historic year more than any I can remember. There were great disasters in many parts of the world, including the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the earthquakes in New Zealand and Turkey. Floods in many parts of the world led to great loss of life, homelessness for large numbers of people and wiping out of the food baskets. The severe famine in the Horn of Africa and the freezing conditions in many countries, some of which have never experienced winter weather. Then there was the Arab up-risings, called the “Arab Spring”. The uprisings began in Tunisia and quickly spread to Libya and Egypt and to some of the Arabic countries including Syria as the people tried to get rid of their governments. These demonstrations opened the eyes of the world and the people in many countries began to march and hold protest rallies. Some went further and there were riots, including here in England in the month of August.

The global financial situation and the jobless situation for so many around the world got no better. We saw the terrible financial situation in Greece and the pressure to resolve the problem and bail her out, as well as to keep her as a member of the European Community. Due to the financial downturn and the credit crunch, we have seen and experienced super high inflations and great austerity measures put in place. The economic conditions are such that some of the once rich countries in the west have had to turn to China to bail them out as China is now considered to be one of the richest countries in the world. The € is now in serious trouble and there is the likelihood of it breaking up, which would cause more financial woes to those in the € zone. Should that materialise the repercussion would be felt far and wide especially trade with other countries in an out of the € zone.

In many countries, the persecution and martyrdom of the followers of Yahushua escalated and continue to be on the increase.

The list of happenings from disasters and financial woes are many and could go on for some time. However, I do not want to focus on 2011 because the things which took place in 2011 cannot be changed and are confined to history. We are now in 2012, with its pages clean and white. The questions are:

Will 2012 be a better year both economically and free from the great disasters?

Will life be better for the people around the world, especially in lands which are already suffering from aftermath of the great disasters?

What can we expect as the Year unfold?

Although we should look at things in a positive way and hope for the best and a drastic change all round, including financial prosperity and job security; the outlook is not good. Sadly, situations will worsen and the downward spiral will continue. However there is hope and that hope is in our Saviour Yahushua Ha Mashiach of Nazareth.

In His word, He told us about these times in which we are living and the outcome. Thus in Daniel 12: 1, His word states:

“And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book”.

Indeed no one will deny that we are living in the time of trouble. This was proven by the troubles that over took this world in recent years but especially in 2011. Deliverance will come as we are told in the preceding verse. That deliverance in only through our blessed Saviour Yahushua and His soon return to this world. He has never left Himself without a witness and before He does anything major in this world, he always gives the warning, just as He did in the time of the global flood which took place in the time of Noah, His prophet. Before that great flood came, our Elohim spoke to Noah and told him about what He was going to do by bringing a flood upon the world. Noah took time to warn the people as he built the ark of safety. He warned them over a long period of time but they were all defiant and took no notice of him. The time came when the ark was built and furnished and Noah entered the ark with his wife and his sons and their wives; as well as the animals which Elohim brought into the ark for safety. The people watched the strange happenings but they remained unmoved. The time had come for judgment and Elohim closed the door of the ark and sealed it so that no one could go into the ark with Noah, nor could Noah go out to them. Yahweh's appointed time had come and He brought the floods of water from above and below the earth and turned this world into a global ocean. Sadly, the fate of everyone was fixed and because the antediluvians ignored the warnings, everyone of them perished (Genesis 6-8).

Our Elohim is about to bring judgment once again upon the earth. In recent years great disasters have struck the earth and many have looked upon them as the judgments of Elohim upon the world. However, the judgment He has to bring upon the world is far greater than anything this world has experienced (Revelation 20). Before that final judgment is brought upon the world, Yahushua will return for His children as He has promised in John 14: 1-3:

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God [Elohim], believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know”.

The time of Yahushua’s return to this world is upon us. At anytime now He will end His work of interceding for mankind and will pronounce:

“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be”. Revelation 22: 11,12.

After Yahushua has made the pronouncement, then He will fulfil His promise Luke 21: 27:

“And then see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”.


As that time which is written in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 will be fulfilled:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first”.

Therefore, it is not time to be asleep, become discouraged or take for granted the terrible happenings in our world. It is time for each one of us upon planet Earth, to:

look up, and lift up our heads; for our redemption draws near (Luke 21:28).

To assure us that His return is at hand, Yahushua has recently sent a message to the peoples of this world through a young girl, Angelica Zambrano, who died last year and then Yahushua took her spirit to both Heaven and Hell. He showed her terrors of Hell and the suffering of the souls who are there, including some of those whom she allegedly recognised, including the late Pope John Paul 11 and the singer, Michael Jackson. Next He took her to Heaven and showed her the beauty of Heaven and the glories awaiting His children. He then resurrected her after she had been dead for twenty three hours, and sent her back to tell this world of His imminent return and that He is “coming right away”. Her testimony is on:


May our gracious Elohim be with you and as you live your life from day to day, I pray that you will be faithful to Him. I pray also that He will keep you in His loving care and help you to be ready for that grand and glorious Day of His coming, which will dawn upon this world anytime now. By His grace, I will be ready to go home to Heaven with my dear Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach of Nazareth. What about you? Are you ready to meet Him and to go with Him to Heaven? IF NOT, WHY NOT??


Scriptures used in this Post are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.