(NB: A pseudonym has been used for the writer of the letter.)
“Hello Lloyd and Ellisa,
I have been reading your web site and after listenig to you Ellisa explain over the phone how our spirit either goes to heaven or to hell throughout all the ceasless age of eternity.
This is pure nonesence and from what I can see it is not supported by the writings of Sister White.
Do the 2 of you read and belive in her writings?
What you are teaching on your web site is so different from SDA doctrine and teachings and is so wrong.
The Spirit man is the part of the being which is most important. This is so because as Spirit Beings, the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua, communicate only with the spirit being of man (not his breath which carries out a physiological function in keeping the body alive in life). That is why I, Yahushua, said:
“[Elohim] God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. John 4:24.
Man must communicate with Us, his Elohim, through his spirit. He must also worship Us through his spirit. It is through the spirit man that men, women and children are “drawn” to Me, Yahushua (John 12:32). It is through the same spirit man with which the Ruach Ha Kodesh works to convert men, women and children to Me, Yahushua (John 16:7-14). It is also the spirit whereby one knows whether he or she is a child of Elohim (God), as it is stated in Romans 8:16:
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of [Elohim] God”.
The spirit of man is not useless or helpless. It thinks, speaks, knows and understands; it communicates with the soul; makes decisions and instructs the body to carry out its dictates. That is why 1 Cor. 2:11 says:
“For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?”
And in Proverbs 16:32, it says:
“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city”.
It also says in Proverbs 25:28:
“He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls”. (NIV).
It is imperative that the spirit man is subject to the Ruach Ha Kodesh and allows Him to be in control. Once the Ruach Ha Kodesh is given access to the spirit, He can then enter and convert the soul. Once the soul is converted to Me, Yahushua, We, the Elohim of all mankind: Yahweh, Yahushua and the Ruach Ha Kodesh, can then make Our abode with man (John 16: 7-13; John 14:23). Our flag can then fly as the entire man: Spirit, Soul and Body will be under Our control. Once We are in control of the spirit and the soul, the body will be brought under the control of the Will. Therefore, sin will not have dominion over their lives; neither will the “works of the flesh” which are recorded in Galatians 5: 19-21.
The entire being of man: the Spirit, the Soul and the Body, is important, that is why it is recorded in 2 Thessalonians 5:23:
“And the very [Elohim] God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray [Yahweh] God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our [Adonai Yahushua Ha Mashiach] Lord Jesus Christ”.
Satan knows the importance of the spirit of mankind. That is the reason he fights to be in control of the spirit of the human race. He knows that once he is in control of that part of the being, then he is in control of the rest of the being, the soul and the body.
The Soul of man is the true person. It is the heart of man, his mind, his will, his intellect and his emotion. It is the part of man that is carnal and decides good or evil, right or wrong and instructs the body to carry out those decisions. It is the part of the being which will stand in the judgment and give an account to Me, Yahushua, for the things which were done in the body (for those who have rejected My sacrifice for them). Thus the eternal destiny of both the spirit and the soul is dependent upon the soul. Likewise, the eternal life for the body or its eternal destruction is also dependent upon the soul through the choices which are made during the lifetime of each person.
It is the same soul in man which I made reference to and said:
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”. Matthew 10: 28.
Please note that although the word “destroy” is used in this text: Matthew 10:28, it refers to the eternal torment of the soul because the soul (like the spirit) is a spirit being which does not die. The soul is the part of the being to which Paul referred when he said:
“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”. Romans 8:6.
The body is the physical, material part of the being which houses the spirit and the soul during each person’s lifetime. It is under the control of the spirit and the soul and carries out instructions from both. However, there is always a battle waging between the Spirit, the Soul and the Body. There is also a battle waging between Spirit of Elohim and the flesh. It was that constant battle that caused Paul to write:
“For that which I do I allow not; for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of [Yahweh] God after the inward man; But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Romans 7: 15-25.
Paul went on and gave the following advice:
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would”. Galatians 5: 16, 17.
The body of man is important because it gives the legal right for the spirit and soul to operate upon the earth. It also gives Us, Elohim, the legal right to operate and function through Our children. That is why the Church of Believers is called My “Body”.
THE BODY OF MAN AND THE LIFE WITHIN HIS BODY ARE BOTH GIFTS FROM US: Yahweh the Father, the Ruach Ha Kodesh and Myself, Yahushua Ha Mashiach. Both should be cared for and preserved for as long as possible. Life in the body entitles the person to enjoy Planet Earth, bless others, procreate and to be witnesses of My Love, saving grace and My death for all mankind. It is also enables My followers to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Grace and Glory, and to tell about the Good News of My Resurrection, Ascension and Soon Return for all My followers; as well as the rewards awaiting them. ONCE LIFE IS TAKEN FROM THE BODY, THE GIFTS (BOTH BODY AND LIFE), COME TO AN END IN THIS PRESENT WORLD. THE SPIRIT MUST THEN LEAVE BECAUSE IT HAS NO MORE LEGAL RIGHT TO BE UPON THE EARTH!! The lifeless body then returns to its dust from whence it came and knows nothing ever again.
The SDA Church has failed to address the most important and vital subject pertaining to man and who he is. I, Yahushua, gave up My throne in glory and came and suffered and died to save the spirit and soul of man (“the spirit”). I did not die for the body of man which is subject to death and returns to the dust and which will not inhabit eternity in its sinful, mortal state.
Due to this teaching by the SDA Church that man is just a body which dies and “sleeps” until the resurrection, her members are ignorant about who they really are and what becomes of them when they leave this world. This accounts for the lack of true love for one another and toward their fellowmen, in some cases. It also accounts for the lack of commitment, the matter-of-fact religion and the lack of consecration seen in some of the members.
Due to the teachings that man is just a body, many do not see the need to draw closer to Me, Yahushua, and to live clean, consecrated and committed Christian lives because they regard themselves as just bodies and breath. Thus they are convinced that at death when the breath returns to Yahweh, their human remains return to dust until the first resurrection when they will be resurrected and go back to Glory with Me, for those who have committed their lives to Me, Yahushua. Likewise, they are fully convinced that those who have rejected My love and sacrifice for them, will be resurrected in the second resurrection when they will be judged and given their reward in the Lake of fire and brimstone.
Due to the teachings of the SDA Church that a person is only body and breath, the members of the Church are totally ignorant that the spirit (spirit and soul) of the individual, exits the body at death and continues to live on in one of two places: the Kingdom of Glory with Me, Yahushua, or Hell and its torments for those who have rejected Me, their only Saviour.
This knowledge that the soul (spirit and soul) does not die but returns to Us in My kingdom of Glory (for My followers) and continue life there, should bring joy and gladness to her members. Thus it should be a time of great joy instead of sorrow (although there is a loss of the deceased by their loved ones) because as soon as My children die, it is the graduation of their souls into My Kingdom of Glory!! Instead of being happy and joyful for My followers of whom it is said in Revelation 14:13:
Blessed are the dead which die in [Yahushua] the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Many, who professed to be my followers, are in deep mourning over the loss of deceased members of their families, loved ones or friends. This is due to the fact that the members of the Church are not taught the truth about the true nature and importance of their spirits (spirit and soul).
The Church has done much study on the body and how to care for it. However, nothing has been done on the Spirit and Soul, the True Person. The subject has not been taught or discussed in its true sense. It is time for the Church to study and teach about this very important subject because it affects the eternal destiny of everyone.
Once the SDA Church begins to teach on this vital subject of the Spirit and the Soul, My followers will seriously think about where they will spend the rest of eternity when the leave this world. It is her duty to teach her members that they are more than just physical bodies which die at death and await the Resurrection. They must be taught that the body is the house or tabernacle for their immortal spirit and the soul which do not die when the body dies. They MUST be taught that the spirit and the soul leave the body at death and continue to exist because as spirit beings, they do not die. That was the reason I said in John 11: 26:
“whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
The members must also be taught that after the spirit and the soul exit the body, they are not left to wander at will in this world. Instead, they either come to My Kingdom of Glory in Heaven (for those who have accepted Me, Yahushua, as their Saviour); or to Hell and torment, where Satan and his demons take control of those who are under his control. The members must be made fully aware that the body ends its function at death and that all that remains of it, is lifeless clay which must be disposed of. That is the reason I said:
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28.
Please note that it is only the body which dies. It must also be understood that the soul of man is that part of the being which is responsible for the things done in the body. It is the part, therefore, that must give an account to Me, Yahushua, the Just Judge (2 Cor. 5:10), concerning those things which were done in the body during each person’s lifetime. Those things are recorded in the “Book of Remembrance”, the “Book of life”, or in the “Books” during each person’s lifetime. They must also be made aware that it is upon those records that they will either be saved in My kingdom of Glory, or be destroyed in the Lake of fire and brimstone in accordance with:
“the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4.
Although the SDA Church has been organised since 1863, THE MATTER OF THE SPIRIT AND SOUL REMAINS ONE OF INSIGNIFICANCE TO HER. Thus the majority of her members do not know that they have an immortal spirit and soul which are housed in their bodies. They do not know that those two parts of the being comprise the true persons whom they are and that these two parts of the being are independent and totally distinct and separate from the body itself. Neither do they know that it is the same “soul” to which I make reference in Matthew 10: 28, that must give an account to Me, Yahushua, concerning the things done in the body during one’s lifetime. It is also the same “soul” along with the rest of the being which will be saved in My kingdom of Glory and the new earth; or which along with the rest of the being will be cast into the Lake of molten fire.
Due to this ignorance that human beings are just bodies and breath, there is always great opposition from the ministers and the laity alike if anything is said differently from what they are made to believe. Thus they vehemently refuse to believe what I taught in Luke 16: 19-31 about the souls of the Rich man and Lazarus, the beggar. At such times the following are some of the comments made:
• “I read and know my Bible and no one can fool me or tell me any such nonsense!”
• “I certainly do not believe that and nothing will change my mind.”
• “I do not believe that I have an independent spirit apart from my breath .”
• “The only spirit within me is the Ruach Ha Kodesh!”
• “There is no difference between my spirit, my soul and my body.”
• "I am either a living soul or a dead soul”!!
• “I am a body and breath and when I die my body returns to the earth and my breath goes back to Yahweh Who gave it”.
• “When I die, I go to sleep and await the resurrection as the Scriptures say and I do not believe at that time I will go to Heaven.”
• “I do not believe my body will be in the grave and my spirit is somewhere else. That is utter Nonsense!”
• “I do not believe the spirits and souls of the righteous dead are in heaven worshipping and praising their Elohim. Neither do I believe the spirits and souls of the un-righteous dead are in Hell! ”
• “Why then will Yahushua say He will come back for me and take me to Heaven if I am already in Heaven? ”
• “Why will He have to resurrect My body since I will be in Heaven?”
Constantly the opposition goes on in spite of what is written in My Holy Word, including what I spoke with My Own mouth. My words are therefore made out to be LIES and I, Yahushua, am regarded as a LIAR!!
The Church is happy in the knowledge that human beings are just bodies and breath. Thus they are contented in the knowledge that they cease to function at death and sleep in death until the First Resurrection, when I will call them back to life from their resting places. Satan loves the opposition of the Church and rejoices at her stubbornness, un-belief and ignorance on this very important matter of the independent spirit and soul which do not die!!
Due to this belief that human beings are just bodies and breath, at funeral services nothing is spoken about the immortal spirit and soul. Thus no mention is made about the real person, the spirit, exiting the body at the time of death, to either spend the rest of eternity in Heaven with Us, the Elohim of Heaven, and the inhabitants of Heaven; or to spend it in Hell with Satan and his host!!
The mourners are not told that the spirits of the righteous dead live on and will be placed in new immortal bodies at My Second Coming. Mention may only be made of the body being resurrected at My Return. At such times when hearts are susceptible to My Word, the mourners are not told anything about their own immortal spirit (spirit and soul) and the importance of deciding where they will spend the rest of eternity when they die and leave this world (since they are given the power of choice to choose their eternal destiny) because it is only the body which dies.
During those funeral services, it may be mentioned that the dead are sleeping in death awaiting the voice of Me, Yahushua, the Life Giver, when death will be swallowed up in victory (1 Corinthians 15: 51- 56). No mention is made of where the spirit might be and rarely is the final Judgment (in Revelation 20) ever spoken about. Thus, Christians and non-Christians alike are not challenged concerning their souls and the time when they, too, will leave this world.
At such times, the mourners are not given any comfort concerning the souls of the Christians who are before My throne in Heaven and in the temple worshipping Us, their Elohim, day and night (2 Corinthians 5: 1-9; Rev. 6: 9-11; Rev. 7: 9-17). Thus they leave the funeral services with little or no hope or comfort that the spirit of their loved ones, who loved and served Me, Yahushua, are with Me in Heaven. On the other hand there is no thought that those who rejected My love and sacrifice for them, may be in torment in Hell like the Rich man, whose story I told in St Luke 16: 19-31. Therefore, at such sensitive times they are not challenged to put their own lives in order concerning where they will spend the rest of eternity once they leave this world at the time of their deaths.
The Church is so caught up with these two statements, “I BELIEVE” and “I DO NOT BELIEVE”, she fails to realise that part of the following Scripture text applies to her:
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”. Revelation 21:8.
Had the Church studied and taught what is written in My Holy Word, the Scriptures, concerning the Spirit, the Soul and the Body, there would be no ignorance or opposition to this very important subject.
There are over 500 references in My Holy Word, the Scriptures, on the Spirit and over 450 on the Soul. Although there are these Scriptural references, the Church teaches that the “body” plus the “breath” makes man a “living soul”. There are various ways in which both the spirit and the soul are used in these Bible passages. There are also different meanings depending on the contexts in which they are used.
This failure to study, believe and obey what is written in the Scriptures on the subject of the Spirit, the Soul and the Body, has placed the Church in a very poor light. Without knowing it, she has deceived her members and has done them a great injustice and disfavour by failing to teach and enlighten them on one of the most important subjects in My Word.
This topic on the Spirit and the Soul is an important and vital one. It should not be disregarded, rejected or cast aside. Neither should the importance of the Spirit and Soul be glossed over, or treated as irrelevant because they affect the lives of all persons born into the world. The effect has a bearing during their life time. It also has a bearing on where they will spend the rest of eternity once they vacate the body at death. Finally it has an effect on their eternal salvation, or the eternal destruction of their bodies and the eternal torments of the spirit (spirit and soul) in the Lake of molten fire along with Satan and his demons and human emissaries. They will either be saved in My Kingdom of Glory in Heaven and the new earth which I, Yahushua, will create; or endure eternal torment in the Lake of fire and brimstone in the final Judgment (Rev. 20 -22).
Sadly, during the entire history of the SDA Church, she has totally neglected this subject of the Spirit and Soul of mankind. This has been a great shame on her part. She has only dealt, taught, cared and laid emphasis on the physical body. Thus the vast majority of her members do not know that they have an independent, immortal spirit and soul, their true persons. Neither do they know that at death these two parts of the being leave the body and continue the rest of eternity either in Heaven or in Hell (Luke 16: 19-31). Thus they regard themselves just as the physical material beings which they see and which dies at death and is no more.
Had the Church made this topic on the Spirit and Soul an important one, many who came into the Church and then left, or who were brought up in the Church and left as soon as they were old enough to do so, would not have done so. They would have realised that this present life is not all that they have but that the greater part of their life continues after they die. Therefore, they would have been fully aware that they do not have just the First Resurrection to look forward to; or fear the Second Resurrection which awaits those who have rejected My sacrifice for them. They would have known that the rest of eternity awaits them and would have been more serious about where they will spend it. Thus they would not have been so quick to seek after the world and its pleasure. They would have been more serious about making their “calling and election sure” (2 Peter: 1:10). Likewise, many would also have been more willing to devote their lives to My work and to witness to their loved ones and others about the Good News of Salvation.
I am fully aware of Satan’s strategy is to deceive the children of men concerning their entire being, their spirit, soul and body in order that they will spend the rest of eternity with him once the are not more in this world. That is the reason I gave the account of the Rich man and Lazarus, the beggar, in Luke 16: 19-31. The SDA Church teaches that the story of the Rich man and Lazarus is a parable. However, no where in that story did I, Yahushua, say it is a parable. That story is an accurate account of what took place. To prove that it is not a parable, in recent years I have brought many back to life from the dead and gave messages to some of them for their people and for the world.
Two of these cases took place in 1982 and December 2001, respectively. One was a New Zealander, Ian McCormack, who was stung by deadly jelly fish and died as a result. On the Christian Channels and through videos and DVDs, he is telling his story of what he experienced after he died.
The other is a Nigerian, Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu, who was resurrected after three days following a fatal accident. Both men are telling about their experiences once they were no longer in their physical bodies. They have both said that they did not know they had died, the only difference they fund was that they were without their physical bodies. Apart from that, they were alive and could see, hear, talk, communicate and understand everything just as when they were in their bodies. Both tell the story of a real Heaven and a real Hell and their experiences in these two places.
Videos are made of their stories: They are as follows:
"A Glimpse of Eternity" by Ian McCormack.
"Raised From the Dead" by Rynard Bunnke Ministries (The story of Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu).
“To Hell and Back” made Dr. Maurice Rawlings (A publication of Trinity Broadcasting or TBN), also tells the stories and experiences of others who died and went to Hell and were sent back to this world.
In addition, on the Paranormal Channels on the Sky Satellite Channels, there are thousands of people who have told their stories and continue to tell their stories of near death experiences or their resurrections from the dead. Therefore, this is not the time for the Church to robe herself in ignorance and believe that her ignorance is sheer bliss! Neither should she take comfort in the thought that she is right in whatever she believes and teaches. Instead, she should realise that her ignorance could lead to her destruction because it is recorded in My Word that My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).