Tuesday 18 February 2014


Today very great pressures are being exerted on Prime Minister  Netanyahu to give up part of the city of Jerusalem to the Palestinians so that their state of Palestine can be fully established.  The Secretary of State, Mr John Kerry,  of the USA,  has worked very hard over the past year since  he was voted into office, to see that the state of Palestine is fully established under the presidency of President Barack Hussein Obama. He is applying severe pressure for it to be done this year, 2014. The    Secretary of State , John Kerry has :

“warned on Saturday [February 1, 2014]  that Israel faces the threat of delegitimization and boycotts should the status quo continue without progress in the peace process” (JNN).

The warning of the Secretary of State, John Kerry, is in  addition to the great pressures, sanctions and boycotts already exerted by the EU and the UN and many businesses, including some big banks,  on the State of Israel. These are to pressure and force her give up Jerusalem, her Capital, and other  “occupied lands”  to the Palestinians.  

The questions are:

To Whom does that sacred and holy city, Jerusalem,  belong?
Can Israel give East Jerusalem over to the Palestinians, a Gentile nation  to be their Capital?

To answer the first Question we go to Matthew 5: 35, to see what Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) had to say about the city of Jerusalem while He was upon earth almost two thousand years ago.  In that verse of Scripture He said:
            “Jerusalem … is the city of the great King [Yahweh Elohim]”

The Answer to the second Question is:  The Israelis cannot give up what belongs to the “Great King”, Yahweh Elohim, the Almighty. Jerusalem, though it is their Capital and beloved city, CANNOT AND WILL NOT GIVE IT UP because they  have no authority to do so.  The reason for this bold statement  is based upon the prophecy Yahushua gave in Luke 21: 24:

“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”.

This prophecy was fulfilled in 1967, during the Six Day War when the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel miraculously returned the city of old East Jerusalem to the Jewish nation.  From that time in 1967  the city Jerusalem has been under the rule of the state of Israel and in spite of what the nations, including United Nations, the European Union, past presidents of the USA and  the incumbent President of the United States and his Secretary of State, John Kerry,  are doing to pressure and force the Prime Minster of Israel to give Jerusalem to be the capital of the Palestinian state, they  are finding that they are fighting a difficult and losing battle.   

These powerful nations and institutions are fighting this losing battle because  the time of Gentile ruling over the old city, Jerusalem,   has ended according to the words of Elohim Yahushua.  Therefore, whatever pressures, sanctions, embargoes “delegitimization”, “boycotts” and  threats are made against Israel to force her to give up old east Jerusalem, she cannot do it because her   HANDS ARE WELL TIED BEHIND HER!!!  The old city is NOT for her to give away. That old city, Jerusalem, is  the ONLY REAL ESTATE our Elohim claims as His upon this earth  (Matthew 5: 35), although He made Planet Earth. 

For almost two thousand years, from 70 AD until 1967, the lands of the Middle East  including  the city of Jerusalem were under the rule of Gentile nations. Among those who ruled were some  Muslim nations, including the Ottoman Empire under Turkey, the last empire which was  overthrown in the 1914-18 war by Britain and her allies.

Following the First World  War,  some of the territory in the Middle East was mandated to Britain. Under the Balfour Declaration,  a small portion of the land  of Palestine which was mandated to the British, was allotted to the Jews in 1923 as their homeland.   In 1948 Israel was declared a state. At that time the old city, Jerusalem, was still under the rule of Gentiles until the Six Day War in 1967.   The Arabic nations had come together and declared that  they were going to push Israel in the sea and take over the land (I heard the boast  with my own ears in 1967).  The allies of Israel all deserted her, including the USA and left her to her fate to be wiped out.

Although Israel was deserted by those who were suppose to be her allies and left to be wiped out,  her Elohim,  the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who was renamed Israel by Elohim Yahweh) miraculously stood by her and returned to her some of the lands of her ancestors, including  the city, Jerusalem. That old city was made by King David, their ancestor, over three thousand years ago.

Soon after the Six Day War, the ­USA and her allies (though they had left her to be wiped out by her enemies)  began to pressure Israel to return the lands which her Elohim gave to her in the Six Day War.  Israel gave up most of the land including Jordan, The Sinai Peninsula,  Lebanon and Gaza.  In 2012 before running for the second term of office, President  Barack Obama told Israel she is to return to the pre- 1967 borders.  In other words, she is to give up all the lands which her Elohim gave to her  in the 1967 War.

It is of interest to note that whenever the USA held her summits and pressured Israel to give up the lands her Elohim returned to her, great disasters came upon the USA.  One example of this is that of the giving up of Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005.  A week later following the  giving up of  Gaza, hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf States of the USA.  A week following Katrina,  hurricane Rita slammed in the same states.  These two hurricanes were the worse hurricanes to hit the USA and they inflicted great damage to the Gulf States, caused untold suffering and a goodly number of people died.

Great judgments continue to come upon the USA and other countries, including the UK and Europe as they force Israel to give up the lands her Elohim gave to her but in particular the city, East Jerusalem. Since President Barack Obama came into office he has been determined to see that Israel gives up the lands that were taken in the Six Day War in 1967, especially old east Jerusalem. As he has pressured her to give up the lands, so the great disasters, including the blowing up of the oil rigs in the Gulf States in 2010, great tornadoes, severe floods and storms, ice, snow, fires and extreme drought have come upon the USA.  In addition, her economy has suffered greatly from the great disasters, especially their effect on New York and Washington.

Israel had had to fight over eight wars since she became a nation in 1948 but her Elohim always fights for her so that she has never lost a war even thought some of the wars were fought by large armies against her.  Since those who are opposed to her being in the land of her ancestors, are unable to win through wars, they have gone the diplomatic way.  Hence all the summits and pressures forcing  her to up the lands which her Elohim gave back to her.  Now, she is being forced and  pressured to give up the rest of the land, including the old city, East Jerusalem.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, has made over ten visits to Israel since he took office a year ago in 2013.  At the beginning of 2014 as he pressured Israel to give up east Jerusalem and the rest of the land given to her by her Elohim during the Six Day War in 1967, the United States has experienced great disasters, such as she has never seen before. The fifty states of the United States experienced severe snow, arctic blasts and extreme icy conditions.

These severe weather conditions continue as I write and Washington, the nation’s Capital and New York, the nation’s Financial hubs have been under lock down from the severe arctic conditions that are over some parts of the country.  Sadly,  many people have lost their lives from the severe snow and icy conditions.  In addition, there are floods, famine and fires in some places, including California. Likewise, the United Kingdom has been experiencing severe storms and floods since the year began.  These disasters and more are set to continue and worsen as more and more pressures are exerted on Israel to give up east Jerusalem because the Elohim of Israel, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, is angry with the nations who pressure her for the lands He gave to her, especially the USA.

Following the prophecy Yahushua gave in Luke 21:24:

“Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”,
King Yahushua went on to tell us some of the things  which would follow as the time for His return draws near.  Concerning this He said  in  Luke 21: 25-26:

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken”.

These things are happening in our day, as though they were prophesied and written today.  Most importantly was what Yahushua said would happen next. That statement is recorded in Luke 21:27:

 “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”.

Following this statement Yahushua admonished His followers in Luke21: 28:

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh”.

This then is where we are in the history of this world.  Jerusalem, said Yahushua, is “the city of the Great King” and that after the rule of the Gentiles over that old city was over,  He would return to this world with power and “great glory”.

Elohim Yahushua  also admonishes us that when we see things coming to pass, i.e. the pressure upon the Israelis to give up Jerusalem to the Gentiles, the great disasters in this world, the great signs and wonders which are happening  in the world, the financial down turn and the “shaking of the powers of heaven” then we are to lift up our heads; for our “redemption draws nigh”. In other words we are to be ready and waiting for the return of our precious Saviour, Yahushua Ha Mashiach, who will return with “power and great glory” for His people who have accepted His  love and sacrifice for them. 

Elohim Yahushua is the One who prophesied:

 “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”.

The times of the Gentiles ruling over Jerusalem came to an end in 1967 during the Six Day War.  The next Ruler of the city, Jerusalem, will be Elohim Yahushua Himself.  Therefore, Jerusalem does not belong to the Jews, the Palestinians or any other nation.  It belongs to the Great King, Elohim Yahweh (Matthew 5:35).  From the things which are happening in our world, including the pressure on Israel to give up Jerusalem to Gentile rule,  we should  heed the admonitions of our Saviour, Yahushua and be ready  and waiting for His glorious return because it will not be long before we see our Saviour, Adonai and King coming for His waiting children. 

The signs which Yahushua gave in His Word so we  will know when His return is imminent, are all being fulfilled, especially that of the pressure being exerted  on Israel  to return Jerusalem to Gentile rule. In light of what is taking place in the world, the city of Jerusalem being the KEY, the Question I pose to you is: